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Y/ff/n-Your foster father name

12 Years Later

You woke up. Not that you slept at all. After the car accident that happened when you were 12, you could not sleep at all. Your parents died in the crash and you were the only one who survived. But it was not any better. You lost all the memory of everything that happened before 12. The only thing you could remember was what happened in the car before everything turned black. Sometimes you wished you could sleep forever, but then again you can't even fall asleep.

When you were 13, a family came to adopt you. Everything was perfect. The family treated you well. But then, after a few months, their true colours started showing. The parents made you do chores and they would beat you up whenever you did not listen to them.

The only person in the family who still treated you nicely was your 13 year old brother, Jacob. Jacob would help you whenever your parents were not there. He would sneak some food for you as you usually was only given breadcrumbs or a little bit of rice.

Although you were only given a little to eat, you grew up to be a gorgeous young woman. And of course, your mother was jealous of her beauty. You felt like you were Cinderella, except that your 'happily ever after' would never come.

You got ready and went out of the room to do your daily chores. First up was cooking breakfast. You went to the kitchen. It was only 7 am so your family wasn't up yet.

You cooked some eggs and bacon, laying everything out perfectly on their plates. Soon, they all woke up one by one.

They sat at the table and started eating.

"Um w-what can I e-eat?" You asked. You could have secretly eaten the eggs and bacon but you knew that if they found out, they would beat you again.

"You can have my baco-" Jacob said before he was cut off by your foster mother.

"You can eat the bread that is about to expire over there." She said as she pointed to the kitchen counter.


This was so much better than other times. At least you had a few pieces of bread to eat. You went over to the counter and started gobbling down the food.

After a while, they finished eating and left all the dishes for you. You sighed and collected all the dishes.

"Psst." You heard. You turn around to see Jacob standing at a corner.

"Here. Have some bacon." He said as he gave you some bacon. You muttered a quick thank you and ate the bacon.

"Hey! Who said you could eat the bacon?" You heard your foster mother say. Crap.

"Fucking bitch!" She shouted as she punched you. You fell to the ground and she kicked you mutiple times. You cried out in pain. Soon, she stopped and you were left lying on the ground.

"I'm sorry..." Jacob said.

"It's ok." You said.

Despite the pain, you continued doing your dishes.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" You heard your mother shout. She was probably shouting at your father again.

"To the casino and getting some beer." You heard your father say before the door slammed. You sighed.

Your foster father always gambled. He was also always drunk. You continued doing your chores, ignoring all the ruckus.

That Evening

It was 5:30 in the evening and you were preparing dinner. Suddenly, you heard your parents and Jacob screaming. You rushed to the living room to see what was happening.

You stood there in shock as you saw eight men standing there pointing their guns at your family. Jacob was horrified.

"Where the fuck is our money?!" One of the men shouted.

"P-please. I will r-return it." You father cried. Your family was sobbing and pleading then for mercy.

"Then I'll just have to take your boy."

You gasped and dropped the spoon you were holding and that immediately got their attention. You ran over to Jacob, trying to protect him.

"N-no! Please! Take m-me instead!" Tears ran down your cheeks as you begged them to let go of Jacob and take you instead.

"Ok if you insist. Boss would be so happy..." He chuckled and grabbed you. He pushed you towards a huge black car.

"No! Y/n!" You heard Jacob cry as the car drove away. The car drove for hours and hours and you were sobbing the whole time.

"Shut up bitch!" One of them shouted. God knows where you were going. You probably wouldn't even survive to see the next day. At least one of your wishes was coming true...


Tom Holland. Whenever anyone hears that name, they will freeze and cower in fear. Tom was the leader of the strongest mob in the whole world. Tom sat in his office waiting for his 'catch of the day'.

Soon, a black car pulled up and his men pushed a girl out of the car. This is gonna be fun, he thought as he waited for the girl to come. Y/ff/n Lanes owed him a lot of money and now he is willing to sacrifice his daughter in order to not get killed.

The door to his office opened and the girl along with his men walked in. The girl was looking down the whole time. They pushed her on the floor. She continued looking down and sobbing. Tom smirked, knowing that she must be terrified.

"Look up darling." Tom said.

The girl looked up. There were tears in her eyed. Tom looked at the girl, feeling shocked. The girl was gorgeous but most importantly, she looked like someone. Y/n...

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