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Your eyes flutter open as you looked around. The room you were in looked different. Where am I? You thought as a door clicked open and Tom walked out.

You thought of what happened last night. You must have fallen asleep while looking at the stars last night. Well, what a shame... The stars last night were beautiful. Twinkle twinkle little sta-

"Y/n? Are you listening?" Tom snapped his fingers in front of your face.

"S-Sorry w-what d-did you say?"

"I said I wanted to talk to you." He said, not looking at you.

"You're talking to me right now, aren't ya?" You giggled but stopped after yoi saw Tom's expression.

"Y/n... Does your family abuse you?"

His words shocked you. You bit on your lips as you thought about all the timed your foster parents would beat you. All the times you had to treat your wounds that soon to become scars.

"N-No..." You whispered. You couldn't look at Tom.

"Y/n. Tell me the truth." He said. No, he demanded. You could feel him glaring at you. He was angry. His fists were clenched tight.

You looked around the room, making sure that you were alone with him. You remembered the times when after your parents beat you, they would warn you to never say anything and if you did...

"I..." Tears started trickling down your face.

"Y/n. Tell me." Tom said. He was urging you to go on.

"Yes they do ok?! T-They would b-beat me a-and they s-said t-that if I told a-anyone, t-they w-would do somethimg to me..." You cried. You had just let out everything you kept a secret for the past few years.

"Fucking hell Y/n! Why didn't you tell me?! I'm gonna kill those fucking bastards!" Tom shouted. Your eyes shot up as you heard the word 'kill'.

Tom got up and left the room. The door slammed shut as he walked out the door, leaving you alone in the room, crying.


Tom sat in his office. He tapped his fingers on the huge table that sat in front of him as he thought about what you told him in his room. The thought of it made his blood boil. He replayed the memory over and over again in his head.

Tom sank his fingernails into his palm. Blood started dripping as the mobster became angrier and angrier.

"Fuck!" He shouted in frustration. Tom knew he had anger issues but he couldn't control it.

"Tom." A voice spoke as the door opened. Harrison walked in.

"What do you need?" Harrison asked.

"Bring the fucking Lanes here." Tom said.

"This is about Y/n isn't it?" Harrison asked. He knew that this was a risk as he heard Tom shouting just now.

"I-I heard Y/n crying in her room just now." Harrison continued.

"None of your fucking business. Just get them here." Tom glared at Harrison.

"Are you gonna tell her?"


Harrison grumbled and left the room.


You were in your room. You sat at the window seat as usual. Tessa sat on your lap, sleeping. You have been crying and you decided to stop. You didn't want to feel weak. You were tired of being scared. You wished that people would stop hurting you.

The door to your room clicked open. You turned to face the door as you saw the person walk in.

"Hey princess..." Tom said.

"H-Hi..." You said, not looking at Tom. You didn't want to know if he was angry, sad or happy.

"I-I'm sorry about just now..." Tom said. You could hear guilt in his voice.

"I-It's ok..." You mumbled. You looked down at Tessa as you stroked her head.

Awkward silence filled the room as Tom tried to think of something to say.

"Um... So what are you gonna do later?" Tom asked, breaking the silence.

"I-I don't k-know..."

"You know there's a library on the third floor? I remember you always loved reading." He chuckled.

"Yeah..." You smiled.

"Um. I'll see you later." Tom said.



You wandered around the mansion as you thought about the library Tom said. Should you go check it out? Yes.

You always loved reading. You foster parents would send you to school. You always enjoyed learning. Your favourite subject was English. You would always find time at home to read you secret collection of books.

You walked up the staircase to the third floor. You foumd yourself in a huge library with rows and rows of shelves. There must be thousands and thousands of books.

You traced your fingertips across the different types of books. One book, however, caught your eye. The Great Gatsby. You heard that it was a great book.

You found an armchair and sat on it as you read the book. Hours and hours passed as you read the book. Your eyes started growing heavy and you started drifting off to sleep.



The loud noise woke you up. You realised that you had fallen asleep while reading the book. You looked around to see what had happened.

You saw glass shards all over the floor. You saw a man with no hands standing in front of you. You let out a scream as you saw the person's face.

It was Anthony. The guy who molested you. What happened to him?

"I'm s-sorry! P-Please don't tell T-Tom! I w-won't do it a-again!" With that, he ran away.

Your eyes widened. Did Tom do this to him? Tears formed in your eyes as you ran back to your room. What were you thinking? Tom is a dangerous person. He's a mobster. He kills people. You were not safe.

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