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"Make sure ya do!" I called out to Ann. She ran down the hall towards her next chore as I walked away, Archie on my side.

"You little handful." I muttered to him as I gave him a tickle. But that didn't help either. He stayed by my side as he cried in pain.

I couldn't find any teeth coming through and he wasn't pulling at his ears.

"Aw, what's wrong?" Linda asked as she came forward.

I rocked Archie as I held him. "I dunno. He won't stop screaming. Are there any doctors here right now?"

"There is a psychologist, but that's it." Linda informed me. "He is in with Matthew."

"Where are they?" I asked, getting desperate. My ear drums feel like they are going to explode any second. Archie wouldn't let anyone take him off me and I got stuck with trying to soothe him.

I had a pile of work to do since Mrs B wasn't in and I didn't want any set backs.

"You will find them in the east wing, the private sitting room." Linda spoke before going on her way.

I rocked and swayed Archie as he calmed down, heading towards the east wing. Archie let out a small cry or sob every now and then.

For the first time ever, I hated that this place was huge. I once loved it when I was here, finding plenty of spots to hide and read or to be alone in general, but now, I have to go from one end of the house to the other.

I think I might be temporarily and partially deaf right now.

I walked past the main entrance and took the turn I needed.

I heard someone shout and it wasn't till I found their hand on my shoulder, I turned.

"Laurel, some one is here to see you." Ally told me. Ally was sweet and was one of the teenagers here.

"Uh, tell them not right now." I muttered trying to think. As far as I know, I had no meetings today.

"He is in that room." Ally pointed to a close by greeting room.

I frowned as Archie started to sook again. I peeked in to the room and saw the guest.

Quickly stepping back, my eyes wide, I cursed under my breathe. For someone that has no interest in taking over the place, it's the second time in two days he has been here.

The room held no doors and it was the only way to the east wing unless I go around the long way, causing a chance on missing the psychologist.

I gripped Archie to me and with my head high, I pretended I didn't know that Mrs B's oldest son was in the room and walked forward.

I thought I could slip his view but I heard him call out to me. Ignoring him, I kept going but to say Cody wasn't persistent would be a lie.

"Laurel, wait." I heard as he caught up. I didn't stop as I tried to go to my destination.

"Are you a doctor?" I quickly threw at him.

"Uh, no." Cody answered, matching my pace.

"Then I can't wait. I can't stop. I need a doctor." I tried to walk faster, but Archie's weight was starting to hurt.

Archie had stopped crying again, looking around him, curious off what was happening.

"What do you need a doctor for?" Cody asked me.

"I need a doctor for Archie."

Cody must have seen me starting to struggle and offered to take the child, but I refused. What surprised me was Archie lifted his little arms up, signalling he wanted to swap carriers.

Cody hesitantly took him and held him. Of course he knows how to hold a toddler, he is the oldest of four kids, I snorted at myself.

I stared gobsmacked at Cody and Archie. "He never let's anyone pick him up." I grunted before remembering I needed a doctor.

"Just luck." Cody smirked at me. I narrowed my eyes and continued to the east wing.

I noticed I was alone after a few steps and turned to them. "Come on! The doctor is for him."

Cody hurried next to me as I found the room I was after.

I gave a couple light raps on the door before opening it. "Excuse me, I'm Laurel, one of the workers here. Are you a doctor?" I asked him urgently.

The tall doctor stood up, slightly annoyed that the session was interrupted.

"I am Dr Druith."

I quickly smiled at Matthew. "I know you're a psychologist, but have you practised general medicine?" I could hear Archie behind me screaming again as I tried to block it out. Truth be told, his restlessness has me stressed.

"Yes. Ten years before switching professions. What seems to be the problem?"

I let out a small sob of relief. "It's Archie!" I cried out as I turned back to Cody and took the baby. I walked in to the room, apologising again on disrupting their session. "He is screaming relentlessly."

"He might just have an ear ache. Or teething. Those molars can hurt."

I shook my head. "No. I don't believe that. He isn't pulling at his ears like he would with an ear ache or teeth."

The doctor placed a hand on Archie's forehead. "I don't have any tools here to check him properly. He has a slight fever."

I know, I can cook an egg on his head, I wanted to yell. "Please do more! More than that. Yes he has a fever, his nappy is getting changed nearly every twenty minutes, he hasn't eaten all day, he has barely slept."

"It could just be a bug."

I knew in that instant what it felt like to be pushed away like an over protective mother. Like a mother that thought the worse every time a baby screamed.

I picked up Archie and straddled him to my hip, storming out off the room. Archie's cries were deafening and since that doctor, no matter his degree, wouldn't help, I'll go find help.

I stormed straight to my office that I tend to share with Mrs B and grabbed my bag, before heading to the appropriate cabinet that held Archie's records.

"What are you doing?" Cody asked as he came in after me.

"Getting help. This isn't a normal fever!" I snapped as I barged past him.

"How would you know?" He asked me in a soft manner. "Have you got children?"

"Have you?" I threw over my shoulder as I went to the front. The parking spots that held the cars for the place was empty and I didn't have a car.

I turned to see Cody walking off, his back to mine. I groaned as I looked up to the sky clutching the crying toddler. Why can't I catch a break with Archie today?

I have to get him to a doctor, a proper one. I know I am meant to fill out an 'excursion' form, but I feel this is urgent enough to bypass for the time being.

A dark blue car pulled up just as I decided I would walk to Mrs B's house and the window rolled down.

Cody's face looked up at me as I frowned. "A doctors surgery or hospital?" He simply asked.

I was taken aback for several minutes before opening the car door and scrambling in with Archie, my bag and his records. I didn't have time to find the appropriate paperwork.

"The hospital." I urged him, holding Archie close to me. Cody didn't saw any more as he drove on, leaving the gated community and the House behind.

We were nearly there and Archie was still crying, but not as loud. His chubby cheeks were puffy, his eyes were red and swollen. He was over tired but the poor child couldn't sleep with this much pain happening.

"Thank you." I said suddenly to Cody. "Thank you for helping me."

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