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I've done the waltz, the foxtrot and another faster paced waltz with Mel before I finally let her go and got a drink.

I know she hissed something at me and I ignored her as my name, as well as every other male that nominated for the fourth dance got called up. I stood next to my father as they kept announcing the names.

"I see you've upset Melody." Dad said under his breathe.

"No, she is just annoyed because I wouldn't let her dance with some young man that looked at her like a toy." I growled back. I did notice the lustful looks the man was throwing at her and I didn't like it at all.

I saw dad arch his brow but didn't say any more, knowing that it would be best to have a pissed off Melody instead of a broken one.

I had a small chit chat with dad as Hayden got paired off with Mrs Delaney, then dad with Mrs Grantham. I was pleased that Samuel got old Mrs Bertram and after a few more names, I was paired off with a young lady.

I went to her and held a small bow, holding my hand out as she took it. We moved to the dance floor and introduced ourselves properly.

"Cody Black. How do you do?" I smiled at her.

"Clarissa Hastings." She smiled back.

I placed my hand against her back and moved her closer to me. "Hastings? I have a friend with the same last name. As improper as any Englishman you'll ever meet."

"Really? Would that be a Andrew Hastings?" She asked me.


"We have already met, Cody. I was at my uncles funeral."

I grinned at her. "I apologise for my lack of manners then." I chuckled with a small flirtatious tease.

Clarissa giggled as we spun around the room. "I'll forgive you. It was a sad time. I barely knew any of that part of my family. My mother was Andy's aunt. She moved here twenty or so years ago."

"So you and Andy are cousins?"

Clarissa nodded. We danced a bit longer before she spoke again. "Do you have a partner for the next dance?"

"I do. That would be my sister, Melody."

"Ah. Is that the tall pretty one that looks like she wants to rebel?" Clarissa grinned as she pointed with her head at Melody.

I chuckled. "Yes, that's her."

"I'm sorry for being so blunt, that's the English coming out in me, but do you think she will mind if I stole you for another dance?"

Clarissa was so forward to me and at first, I didn't mind, but before I could answer, we were interrupted by the devil herself, Melody.

"Oh no! I don't mind at all." She sung out as some older man turned her around.

"That was Melody." I said to Clarissa as she looked at me in confusion.

Once that danced ended, the next was another foxtrot and I had managed to snatch Clarissa for a mambo as well. I saw Mel to the side, relieved of the break.

When that danced finished, we both did a small bow and parted ways. I went to the table my family was situated at as canapes were being served.

I called over a waiter and got a fresh glass of brandy, actually enjoying the night, not letting my thoughts head towards Laurel, until she was next to me.

It appeared she was at our table and was situated right next to me. The music was at a decent decibel as the chatter got louder.

"I see you are quite talented in dancing." Laurel said to me as she took a sip of champagne.

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