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"Yo Bey!" Shawn yelled into the phone when she finally picked up. He had been trying to get in touch with her through Ty for the past hour, but she wasn't answering. He had one phone call to make so of course he called her first. When she didn't answer, he settled on Ty Ty and told him to get in touch with Beyoncé.

Ty had called Beyoncé a trillion times without an answer. It pissed Shawn off that when he needed her the most, she wasn't picking up the phone.

"Shawn? What the fuck did you do?" She said into the phone as she walked out of the house party. She could barely hear herself over the loud music and knowing that Shawn was in jail put her in a bad mood anyway. She wasn't even in the mood to party anymore.

"It's a long story, but the question is what the fuck you doing? Ty called your phone I don't know how many times, and you didn't pick up once. Fuck you doing?"

"I'm at a party and my phone was in the car. I wasn't worried about my phone and I definitely didn't think something like this would happen. Please tell me what have you done."

Beyoncé sat in her car with her leg shaking tremendously fast. She was nervous and a little frightened that Shawn was locked up. She heard nothing but bad things about being in jail and if something happened to him, she wouldn't know what to do.

"I'll have to explain later Bey. I only have a few minutes to talk, so listen. I need a huge favor from you."

It was very important that Shawn got in touch with Beyoncé because if he didn't, he would possibly be in jail for a couple of years. She was the only person he knew that could help him.

"What is it?" She asked nervously as she bit on her fingernail.

Shawn sighed, "I promise not to ask you for anything else, ever. But I know that you are the only person that can help me out in this situation. It would take my mom years to come up with this and I don't have that much right now."

Beyoncé instantly knew that Shawn was referring to money. She didn't say anything though. She let him continue to talk as she thought about what exact amount did he need.

"My bail is $5,000." Shawn said and Beyoncé could feel her heart drop. 5,000? Really? She thought. The phone call got quiet and Beyoncé put her head on the steering wheel as she thought about how she would do this.

"Come on Bey, let me know something," Shawn said with a sigh, "I only have two minutes left to talk."

Beyoncé could feel a headache coming on from how much she was thinking. She rubbed her temples and let out a deep breath.

"Shawn, I can do what I can.. okay? But it's almost midnight and you know the banks are closed and won't be open until morning. You'll have to sit in until then. I know it sucks, but you shouldn't have been so fucking stupid."

Shawn frowned at her entire tone changing. She seemed so chill at first and now she seemed upset. He didn't care if he had to stay in for one night, as long as he was getting out.

"I'm going to call Ty and I'm telling your mom on your dumb ass too. I'll see you later." She hung the phone up in his face and decided to call Ty. He instantly picked up knowing she was calling because of something relating to Shawn.

"His bail is $5,000," Beyoncé said as tears welled in her eyes, "And I know I told him that I would help but I don't know if I can."

Ty slowly nodded, "Why though? You don't have that much?"

"I do," She said as she wiped away her tears, "I have over $100,000 locked away in a trust fund account, but the thing is, my daddy is over it. I can't take out that much money without him knowing. The bank won't allow me to without him being present."

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