Squad Leader Mike?!?

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~*(F/N)'s POV*~

I woke up to a sound hitting my bunk, "h-huh...?" I muttered with my eyes half open. "(F/N), wake up you lazy bastard.." I knew that voice...It was Levi? "L-Levi?" I asked groggily. "Yes, it's me. But here you address me as 'Corporal' Got it?" Levi asked. "Yes, Le-Corporal." I responded. "Good, Now get up." Levi stood up and walked out of the Female's Dorm. I stood up and sighed. I noticed that no other girl was in the room. Shit, was I late...? As quickly as I possibly can I grab a fresh pair of my uniform and put it on, rushing on my shoes and brushing my (H/C) hair.

After a few minutes, I go to the bathroom and turn the door knob. 'FUCK! It's locked...Grr..' I rush out of the Dorm and run down to a office, not noticing that I ran into Mike's office. 'Need to pee!!! Urghhh!!!' I run to the door that says 'Bathroom'. I quickly open the door and walk in. "(F/N)?!?" Someone yelled. I turned around to see a Naked Mike with a soaked body. I looked at him up and down, not being able to move. "M-MIKE I'M S-SO SORRY!!!" I covered my eyes and turned around. I heard his footsteps come towards me. He grabbed my shoulder, making me shiver. He led me to the door, as I could tell by opening my eyes. I heard Mike sigh, "You are in my Squad, just to let you know.. Once I am finished here, You will tell me the exact reason you are in here. Now, leave." Mike said pushing me out of the bathroom. I was speachless and a mess. 

I thought for a moment. Then, I ran out into the Training Grounds. I ran out to see everyone,  including Levi and Erwin. Erwin looked at me then Levi looked at me. Not knowing, that I was covered in blush head to toe. "Hey (F/N)? You Ok?" I heard Sasha call me. "Y-YEAH!!! I'm soooo fine Sasha, that I could just see someone naked in my MIND!!!" I yell sarcastically. Everyone heard...I see Erwin and A Horse Face Kid look at me. A man with a cute tan that had freckles, came up to me. "U-Uhm...Asking for a f-friend but..Are you ok?" The man asked. "Y-Yeah, tell your friend I'm just stressed.." I murmur. The man nods and walks away towards Horse Face. I sit down on the grass, Sasha staring down at me extremely confused. "Okay, (F/N) I am going to uhm...Talk to Connie..Bye now!!!" Sasha bolted off, like she said to talk to Connie.

I sigh. 'God, Why'd I have to be here today...?' I thought and looked at Levi who was now talking to Hanji. "Wait, Where'd Erwin go t-" I stopped talking as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I screamed in fear, making the hand on my shoulder bolt up. I turned around. "Oh, sorry to scare you (F/N).." I heard a hoarse voice. It was Erwin. "I-It's okay Erw-Commander...I am just really stressed out, I just feel like I bumped my head badly...Also I got marks on my neck.." I tell Erwin. He puts a hand over his eyes and nervously chuckles. "O-Oh? Well, I uh..had a good conversation with you (F/N)...Uh...I got to go.." He stood up and speed walked inside the building. I stood up as well. 'What's Erwin's deal...?' I turn around and walk into the building. ...Everyone seems weird...

~*Erwin's POV*~

'I can't believe she can't remember...That's probably a good thing but...I wanted her to hear my confession to her. I bet Mike is already planning how to get to her...I want to stop him but he can become aggressive..I must tell (F/N) about him and what he's planning....Here he comes...That smug fucker. ' Mike walks past Erwin with a smirk, slightly turning to face him. "Mike." I yell out. "Hm?" Mike responds back with. "Just leave her alone, please..We made a deal, she's in your squad and we split by the week." I told him, practically begging. "Hahaha. We'll see Erwin...We'll see." Mike said walking to the training grounds. 

~*Mike's POV*~

After a conversation with an Upset Erwin, I walked outside looking for (F/N). 'I need my explanation...' I think to myself. I walk around not seeing her. "Where could she have gone...?" I mutter. I look to where Erwin was, he was gone. 'THAT BASTARD TOOK HER FROM ME!!!' I bolt into the building. "ERWIN WHERE ARE YOU?!?" I yell into the building with frustration. I see Hanji stare at me with a confused expression, I run up to her. "Have you seen Erwin?!?!?" I ask her with a rushed tone. Hanji slightly giggles and speaks. "Aww, looking for your boyfriend? He's talking to (F/N), probs in his office." Hanji said holding in her laughter for no apparent reason. I groan and thank her. "Thanks Hanji...I owe you one." I say with a quiet tone. She winks at me and I walk towards Erwin's office. After I get out of Hanji's view I start bolting towards Erwin's office. 'He better not have said ANYTHING to her' I thought to myself. I knock on the door with slight force. I hear two people in the room laughing, then I hear Erwin. "Name and Buisness?" Erwin asked through the door. "Mike and, I'd like to speak to you privately...But not through the door." I say trying to calm my tone down. I hear footsteps and the door opens. 

Erwin looks at me with an innocent smile, I give him my usual face. He lets me enter and I stand close to his desk, looking around then landing my eyes on (F/N). She looks calm..and warm. "Hiya, Mi-I mean uh..Section Commander!!!" (F/N) says with her adorable smile, facing me. I muster courage and speak, "Hello. Erwin, may I speak to you now?" I say turning to Erwin. (F/N)'s face gets a bit sad. Erwin notices and then turns to me. "Whatever you got to say, you could say to us right? I mean, (F/N) doesn't look like she wants to leave so..." Erwin says with his 'innocent' smile. (F/N)'s face lights up. I groan and speak with a grudge. "Sure.." I glance at Erwin, he smirks as I responded. "Just gonna ask, when are we going to train (F/N)? You could be my ally for a bit so you could learn." I ask, Erwin knowing this wasn't the thing I was gonna say.

I smile at (F/N) with that same 'innocent' smile. She blushed and was in a slight shock. "M-Me??? Working with someone a-as great as YOU?!?!" She said with an excited-shocked manner. I nodded. "Mhm, You'll be going on expeditions with me as soon as we finish training...One on One." I added. She was extremely excited, she ran up to me quickly and hugged me. I grunted at the impact, which almost made me fall. "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOUUU!!!!" (F/N) said when she let go of me. I let in a big gasp of air and responded, "N-No problem..It starts tomorrow so be ready by then." I say while holding my neck. Erwin looked at me with a familiar glare. I chuckle then go to my own office, smiling and being happy the whole way there.

~°Timeskip 2 hours°~

Everyone is asleep, except for me. I am too excited for tomorrow. I will spend my time to personally train (F/N)...I hear a knock at my office door making me bolt up. "Name and Business" I ask trying not to sound sleepy. "Erwin Smith, I think you know why I'm here." He sounds angry. I silently chuckle to myself. "Come in." I tell Erwin. He walks in maintaining eye contact with me the whole time. "Keep your disgusting hands off of (F/N). I swear Mi-" I cut him off before he could finish. "Wasn't it you that said we had a deal?" I said with a smirk.

Aroma (Reader x Mike x Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now