Chapter One

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As Evan approached the eerie town it sent chills down his spine, he's never taken out a vampire even though that's his job. Let me explain, Evan has been raised by vampire exorcist his whole life and has been trained to kill vampires so now he's been called in from a town saying that a vampire in the mountains has been terrorizing them. Finally he gets a chance to shine and be a hero like his father and grandfather were. Evan finally arrived to the quiet town after 4 long days on his jet black horse. He looked around and then looked at his map " is this the right town" he thought to himself right then before he knew it he was dragged into one of the houses "Shh the vampire comes out around this time" the person that pulled Evan in shushed him before he could say anything and pulled him to one of the borded windows and looked through. After 5 minutes of looking a hooded creature swooped down from the sky and started walking down the dirt  road "is that the vampire Evan whispered "yes,now quite!" The towns person covered Evans mouth the hooded creature soon left their sight and they became less tense "you can stay here until tomorrow then get rid of that thing!" The person whispered to Evan well leading him to a room "umm thank you!" Evan said walking into his temporary room "yeah,yeah get some rest" the person said shutting the door giving Evan some privacy. Evan was really nervous this will be his first time dealing with a vampire but then again he's been practicing his whole life so he has a bit of confidence In taking down this creature. "Ahh what am I doing I need rest If I'm going to taking this gross creature down" Evan slapped himself and slid into the comforting bed not knowing how tomorrow will turn out.


Here's a reference of Evan ^v^

I'm working on chapter 2 asap!~Love Zedraz!

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I'm working on chapter 2 asap!
~Love Zedraz!

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