Chapter Two

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"Hey,Hey..... HEY" Evan was awoken by a familiar voice. As he fluttered his eyes open he realized who it was,it was the person that let him stay over at their house "oh I'm sorry,thank you for letting me stay overnight" Evan said stretching his arms "tch it's not a problem,the problem is the stupid vampire..." the man said leading Evan outside and pointing at a mountain in the distance "that... that is where the vampire lives" the man said well walking back inside his house "good luck..." he said he farewells and slammed his door behind him. Evan began walking towards the mountain with every step becoming more and more nervous... did he forget anything? Was he ready? Evan shook his head trying to get those thoughts out of his head... he needs to be confident, a stupid blood sucker can't possibly be stronger right?

Finally after what felt like days he made it to the cave where he assumed the vampire lived he took a deep breath and stepped inside the cave "h-hello?" Evan called as bats flew out around in the cave "AHH" he screamed "ahh... I need to calm down " he took another deep breath and walked further into the mysterious cave " hah it's dark in here I cant see a thing" he said well pulling a match out and lighting it "phew that's better" he lifted his head up and looked around to see a gurl laying on the floor,she seemed small and weak "oh no are you ok?" He ran towards her, she had short hair and wore a off the shoulder worn-down shirt and shorts " h-hey you alive?" He asked flipping her over ... it seemed she was sleeping "the stupid vampire must've done this to you..." Evan picked her up and carried her bridal style outside, she had Snow White skin and rosy cheeks he noticed while taking her outside . She flinched when he took her in the light, she's probably not used to the light after being in that cold damp cave Evan thought to him self well sitting down waiting for her to awaken.
The sun was beginning to set and Evan was beginning to worry for this girls health he waited a few more minutes and finally she fluttered her eyes open "h-huh?" She said in a sleepy tone it was at this moment Evan looked into her eyes... they were red

Here's the gurl uwu

Thanks for reading ~Love Zedraz

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Thanks for reading
~Love Zedraz

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