Chapter Three

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Without even thinking Evan pinned the girl down to the ground one hand on both of her shoulders  "STAY STILL" Evan yelled at the vampire "o-ok..." she said with tears rolling off oher cheeks and onto the rock below her. Evan grabbed his pocket knife and held it in his hand above her heart,he looked into her eyes one last time and... dropped the knife "I-I cant do it... I'm weak" Evan let out a sigh " then.. I-I'll do it" the vampire proceeded to grab the knife and thrusted it into her heart... well she would've if Evan didn't stop her "w-wait don't do it..." Evan said holding her arm away " if someone is going to kill you it's me" he took a deep breath and grabbed the knife and stabbed her... she fell to her knees and then on her stomach "you... you disgusting thing" Evan blurted and kicked her body "b-but why were you different then how they described you? You look cute,not ugly or scary... why did you want to die? why didn't you stop me..." Evan sighed "I can't leave you like this..." he said grabbing a water to clean the cut and bandages from his bag and wrapping it around the wound "ugh why am I doing this for you..I'm supposed to protect the innocent, but are you really that bad?" Evan said sitting beside her "hopefully you wake up and I didn't do this for nothing"

After waiting for hours and hours she started to open her eyes "w-what why am I alive? Is this hell?" She whispered in pain well trying to get up "n-no! Stay you can't move in the condition you're in" Evan said letting her rest her head on his lap instead of the cold ground "you're lucky I'm helping you, the other vampires didn't get this lucky with me heh" Evan lied with a grin "you've never killed a vampire..." the vampire coughed blood " w-what did you know..." Evan was suprised "cause you didn't have the guts to kill me" she giggled "I even gave you the option and didn't fight back" she said with a smug look "ha..haha ok you got me.... anyways do you have a name?" Evan asked "no, I don't need one people usually call me gross and monster though..." she explained to Evan "hmm I'll think of a name for you don't worry,you'll be like my little pet" Evan smiled "I'd rather not, plus I need blood soon and you were sent to kill me right?I assume they think you killed me" she said trying to sit up "I would but I don't want to become a vampire too...." Evan said with a frown and slight hint of guilt in his eyes "you don't become a vampire if you get your blood drawn by a vampire, be become a vampire if we decide to stick a venom into ur blood " the vampire explained while getting up to stretch "oh... I guess you can bite me" Evan said taking off his scarf revealing his neck "hmm ok,but your blood smells terrible eat more sweets" she said then chomping down on his neck " ARGH" Evan grinded his teeth in pain "you're such a baby, I'm done" she said "That wears the worst pain I've ever felt" he said holding the bite "I forgot to tell you,by doing that you have signed a contract. If I die you die but if you die I will still live" the vampire said whipping blood off her face "you should've told me! Now I have to make sure you don't die unless I want to die..." Evan said angrily "oh well it's your fault for not killing me, actions have consequences" She shrugged "you're lucky I don't name you bitc- bastard ..." he snarled well plopping on the ground "night" he yawned "really you're sleeping?" The vampire said surprised "yes unlike you, I've been climbing a mountain and dealing with you all day" he said annoyed "hmph ok then"she leaned on the wall "I'll just go on a walk" she said walking out of the cave and turning into a bat
What will happen next~? Who knows :,)

~Love Zedraz

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2018 ⏰

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