Chapter 9: I was downright depressed

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"Natalie!" my mum bursts into my room, carrying a bag of clothes. I immediately know this isn't going to be good.  

"Yes Mum?" I finish folding clothes and turn to look at her.

"I bought you something!" she sings.

"Ok... Why?" I question as she lays the bag down on my bed. 

"For the dress up day tomorrow!" she winks and walks out. I don't understand. Why did I not get notified? 

"Everyday is a free dress day in America," I roll my eyes and walk over to the bag. I pick it up, look in, and groan. 

"Hiiiiii! Ms Bennett!" I hear Bubbles call from downstairs. She lives a couple of streets away so we sometimes drive to school together and she's always welcome in our house. I swear she has a spare key. 

"NATALIE!" Bubbles bursts into my room, a bag swinging around her wrist, her too? What is this nonsense? 

"Yeah?" I ask, taking out my outfit and scrunching my nose up as I hold it up.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOH! Yaassssss! Kate is obsessed with that show!" she runs over to me and looks at the outfit over my shoulder. I look at the yellows striped patterned outfit in front of me. 

"She's obsessed with Clueless? Really?" 

"Yup," Bubbles pops the 'p'. 

"So what're you going as?" I put the yellow flannel patterned outfit down and look at her, she must already be in on this, so I ask. 

"Well, since you gave me that nickname, I though't I'd go as Bubbles from power puff girls!" 

I laugh. "Cool," I walk into my walk in robe and hang the outfit up. . 

"I'm staying the night too, to get ready!" She holds up her bag and jiggles it. I smile. 

"Sure," I say, walking out of the walk in robe, this is going to be a long night. 


It turns out Bubble's didn't just bring her outfit for tomorrow and toothbrush. She brought some chocolate and a packet of chips as well. She is currently running around the room like a ninja and laughing so hard tears are streaming down her face. Its difficult to watch without giggling. 

"LET'S CALL ADELE!" she screams before giggling again. She's lucky my walls are sound proof. She literally frog jumps over to my computer and calls Adele. "HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!"

"Um.. Hi, Bubbles?" Adele raises her eyebrows, turning from Bubbles and looking at me. I shrug and eat a chip. Bubbles jumps quickly over to my bed with the laptop and lays it down. 

"I've had some chocolate," she giggles.

"Oh, gosh... I should've known," Adele says. 

"This is why I've decided not to drink alcohol," she shrugs. "Who knows what I'm capable of doing!" she giggles. I think all I've been hearing from her all night is 'hehehehehehe."\'

She throws a pillow up and down and catches it. "Hehehehehehe, bl-" she flashes her hands and giggles. "Bl-" she laughs again, breathing heavily after she does the weird I'm-laughing-but-not-making-a-noise-now-I-can't-breath thing. 

"BLINKER!" she falls off the bed and hits her head on the floor. "Ow," she says before laughing again. Adele and I make wide eyes at each other. 

"Adele..." I turn my head from Bubbles to my friend's face on the computer, "I'm going as Cher from clueless for a dress up day thing tomorrow and Bubbles is going as Bubbles from power puff girls-"

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