First Encounter

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I scream as I run through the dark trees feeling my clothing being tugged and ripped by the stray twigs and branches. "Help!" I shout as loud as I can turning to see what ever it was chasing me. I feel myself hit the ground and feel the sudden eruption of pain in my right ankle. Wincing I try to get up but fail and fall over causing more pain. I began to pray for the first time since I was a child that someone would help. The yellow orbs accompanied by white pearly, sharp teeth slowly came closer and closer until I could make out that it was a wolf.

"So this is how I die! I get eaten by a fucking wolf!" I cry. This seemed to have an effect on it as it stopped and looked as if it was holding in a laugh. In a few seconds I see the wolf the the form of a girl who was bent over laughing. How I could tell it was a female was from the outline of breasts and the flaring out of a dress.

"You should've seen the look on your face." A female voice called out from the darkness. The mysterious girl walked out from the shadows into the faint light of my cell phone revealing some of her features. She was tall and had tan skin with brown silky hair. I looked up to see there were two perky curled covered ears  sticking from her neatly curled hair.

"Please don't eat me! You won't like how I taste!" I defensively shout.

"Calm down Blondie first, I'm a vegetarian and second, can you stop screaming it's hurting my ears." She says bending down to my face staring into my eyes. I looked back into hers, they were a deep rich chocolate brown with flecks of gold and red.

I wince at the sudden contact of her hand on my ankle. "You're hurt." she says sincerely lifting her hand from my ankle. "You're a werewolf." I whisper.

"Yep." she replies.

"Uh yeah isn't it obvious I would've still been running." I sarcastically reply. A sly smile flicks across her rosy lips before I feel another burst of pain in my right ankle accompanied by a loud pop. "You little-" I growl.

"You little what? Now that isn't a way to speak to someone who just helped you. Now is it." she cockily smirked.

I bit my tongue as she came uncomfortably close to my face as I took a deep breathe in I smelt the faint aromas of grapefruit,rose,geranium and magnolia.

"You're not from around here are you? Where you from?" she questions while taking a piece of my tattered coat and tying it around my ankle with a stick. "Uhh yeah. I'm from Dardori." I say wincing at the contact. I knew what I was doing leaving out the fact that I was a royal and the next heir to the throne. Even though she is a bit annoying she's likable and I want an actual friend if i'm gonna be out here.

"Oh you're a city chick. By the way the name's Alesha -Alesha Dixon. and no I had my last name before Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead had it." she says helping me off the ground and draping my arm over her shoulder basically carrying me. How strong is this chick really. "Amanda Holden and I don't have anything cool or clever to say after my name like you did." I scoffed. This earning me a small weird laugh that sounded like a cross between a duck and a spray bottle. At this moment I realize she's taking me somewhere.

"Wait, Where are you taking me?" I question.

"Well you're hurt and I can't leave a small, weak, and defenseless girl like you out here." she replies and I don't know whether to be offended or flattered that she's helping me out.

"But that doesn't answer my question. Where are we going?" I ask a bit more serious.

"Ok you're starting to talk a bit too much. I'll tell you after you wake." she slyly smiles and with a snap of her fingers I began to feel drowsy and everything goes black.

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