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A/N: I've been crying for the past half hour, I cannot freaking believe TTS has 3.1K reads with only 11 chapters. When I started this, I didn't think it would do good at all, and I thought I would lose inspiration, but you guys are just...Wow, what's good about this story? Like, no one ever comments any suggestions, and it's at 3,000 reads, so I guess it isn't as bad as I originally thought. This was a thank you note gone wrong, haha. Either way, thanks, you guys. It means a lot. Moving on, then...Chapter twelve.


"Natalie." I groaned as I heard a voice say my name. I tugged my sleeves further over my hands covering my face. A laugh echoed in my ears and I forced myself to open an eye.

I looked around, realizing I wasn't in the treehouse, where I could have sworn I had fallen asleep. I sat in the passenger seat of an unfamiliar car, and I looked over to see Ashton smiling at me.

"How did I get here?" I asked, tiredly rubbing my eyes, throat feeling dry and scratchy. God, I'd hate to see how I look from Ashton's point of view.

"I didn't want to wake you up and make you walk all the way back home. I helped you climb down, but you were half asleep, so I basically carried you-"

"You carried me?" I asked, hiding my face in my hands. I wasn't a feather, I knew that for sure. I had never been very confident in myself - Or my weight for that matter. The doctors say I was where I was supposed to be, but my thighs still touched, and I didn't have a completely flat stomach. Overall, I just didn't want anyone to carry me God-knows-how-far.

"It was literally a five minute walk, it's no big deal," Ashton explained. "But, I kind of need an address. We're by the coffee shop right now."

"Oh, it's not far from here. I can walk the rest of the way." I said, looking at the clock. It was only 5:45, basically meaning that if I got home now, I could sneak in before my mother woke up, take a shower, finish the last of my English homework and then get dressed before I had to leave the house for school at seven.

"No, really, I'd feel better driving you all the way home and knowing you got there safe." I nodded, mumbling the street name, but he must have heard anyways, because he made a right turn, repeating the street in confirmation.

The drive was short and quiet, but I couldn't help buy wonder...

"Who's car is this?"

"Mine," Ashton said, his eyes still focused completely on the road. He looked perky, and awake, so I wondered if he had slept too, or if he could just handle all-nighters a lot better than I could. "I don't really drive much. It's a small town, there's not really a need. I just figured that you wouldn't want to walk all the way home, and I don't think there was any way I could have gotten you home without faster transportation otherwise, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled, still not one hundred percent awake.

"When is your next appointment?" He asked, out of the blue.

"With your mom?" I asked.

"No, with the easter bunny," He responded sarcastically, causing me to roll my eyes. This attitude seemed familiar. "I'm teasing. Yes, with my mother."

"On Thursday, I think - Oh, turn here. Its a few houses down," He nodded, making sure he didn't miss the street. "But yeah, Mondays and Thursdays unless my mom changes her mind."

"Alright...Nice neighborhood, by the way. A friend of mine used to live somewhere in this area. He left for college two months back, though." Ashton explained, pulling over to the curb in front of my driveway.

I didn't want to get out of the car. The heater was on. It was warm, and the sky was still an early morning color. Soft music from some unknown radio station filled the car. It was nice, I wish it could have stayed like that.


"Oh, right. Sorry, I'll go-" I reached for the car door handle only to be stopped.

"No, no. I wasn't going to kick you out. I just wanted to ask you something," He laughed. I merely nodded, encouraging him to ask what was on his mind. "Why do you have to see a therapist? There isn't...You're fine. There's nothing wrong with you."

I let out a short laugh.

"Try telling my mom that."

"No, but really, is there something going on? You helped me, the least I can do is try to help you with whatever is going on." I gulped, tugging nervously at my sleeves.

It was a sweet gesture. It showed that he was trying to care for me like I had proven I cared for him. It's what friends do, right? They're there for each other.

But I couldn't open up to anyone - Not even a therapist or my own parents - about the death of my sister. The death that I caused. Nothing could ever describe the pain or suffering the memory of her brought me daily. I wasn't ready to open up about it, and I didn't know if I ever would be.

"I should really go, Ashton, I still have some English homework that I didn't finish last night. Maybe I'll talk to you later." I said, avoiding eye contact. I didn't want him to be upset or think he had pushed me too far, I just hope he understood there are some things in life you can't talk about to everyone.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"No, no, it's fine. I'm just, not ready yet. Maybe soon, though, we'll see."

"Alright." A silence filled the car. I still didn't want to go, and its not like he was pushing me out the door. I could feel his stare, and I started getting worried that I had dry drool on my face, or something embarrassing.

"What?" I nervously asked.

"N-Nothing," Ashton coughed awkwardly, looking down at his lap and fiddling with his fingers. "You're just...Pretty."

"Oh, shut up." I joked, reaching for the car door handle. I had been asleep for seven hours, I knew I looked like crap. A hand was placed on my arm, stopping me from getting out of the car just yet, before warm lips quickly made contact with my cheek. I could feel myself blushing, but I gave off a soft smile anyways.

"Have a good day, then?" He said, it coming out more like a question.

"Oh. Um, yeah. See you later." I quickly scurried out of the car, closing the door before heading up the driveway. I was glad I left the door unlocked, as I pushed it open, going inside before locking it again, then rushing quietly down the hall to my room.

I sat on the bed, looking over the Romeo & Juliet assignment I had left out. I couldn't help but reach my hand up to my tingling cheek, smiling softly to myself as I began to write with my other hand.



A/N: Shortchapter, I'msorry.

But, oh my lord, Ashton's making moves!! What the heck, I want a kiss on the cheek from him. Natalie, you lucky girl!

Vote? Comment, maybe?

I'll try and update again soon!

The Therapist's Son // Ashton Irwin [AU] ✔Where stories live. Discover now