Wolf time

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Jade's POV

"Come on,lets get to class!"Kookie said to me,grabbing my hand and pulling me but he let go of me then for awhile we stared at each other until I asked,

"Why did you grab my hand..?"

"Cause' I thought we were friends.Right?"

"Uh..Okay,but you dont have to grab my wrist like that."

So we both went to the classroom together.

"Hello young children of learning and short pants."Sikowitz said.I rolled my eyes.Kookie was sitting beside me so as my ex boyfriend,Beck."Who's that friend of yours?"Kookie asked."Oh,he's...my ex.But now he's nobody."I laughed.

Kookie's POV

I faked a smile after hearing what Jade said.I feel like Im in love with her.Im so lucky her boyfriend isnt hers anymore.She's so cute..

After class I went to the cafeteria with Jade.

"What do they sell here?"I asked.

"I dunno,food?"Jade laughed

"Ok,haha"I forced a laugh.

"Come on,newbie,lets go see what they sell."Jade told me as we walked to the food truck.I laughed when she called me newbie.She laughed too.

"Hey,Festice!Whatcha got today?"Jade asked."Uh..The ravioli and spaghetti."Festice,the food truck owner,answered.

"I would have the spaghetti,please."I said."Me too."Jade said and I smiled.It faded away when I saw her ex coming.

"Hey,babe-Uh,I mean..Jade..What does Festice have today?"Beck asked."Why not find out yourself?!"Jade yelled."Hey let's go sit there!"I interrupted.I didnt want to see a ex bf and gf fight."Well,okay.."Jade replied.We walked to the seats at the front corner and sat there.

"Hey,kids!"Sikowitz says."Today we are learning about..ACTING!"He paused until some guy said,"What about acting?"

"Oh yeah,any questions?"

Everyone kept quiet.

"Okay.So about acting...blah blah blah.."Sikowitz explained but I was looking at Jade,trying to not let her notice me.She's so beautiful...I thought.Unfortunately,Jade turned and looked at me."What ya lookin' at?"She asked."N..nothing.."I stuttered and looked back at Sikowitz.Jade just shrugged it off.

After class:Lunch

Jade went to her locker and I went to mine beside hers."So,wanna ditch school and go for sushi?"She asked,looking straight into my eyes.

"They have sushi here?"

"Yep.Its only a few blocks away from school,I can drive you there."


Jade's POV

I can tell that Kookie's in love with me.All the hand-grabbing and stuff.Anyways,Im fine with it because you know,Beck and I broke up months ago.Kookie and I went to my car and I drove to school.

"Who was the girl who said she kissed Beck?"

"Oh...She's..A idiot...Tori..I hate her ever since she came to the school.Was last year."I say.Kookie started staring at my black,green hair.I tried to pretend I wasn't looking and shifted my eyes away from him to the road.He's cute..I thought.

When we reached the sushi place,I parked my car and opened the door."This is a nice sushi place!"says Kookie.I nodded then opened the front door.

I ordered sushi for myself and Kookie."What did you order?"he asked."Oh,just some sushi..You know.."I was stuttering.

The food came and we ate quietly.We kinda ate for sooo long that it was nearly night.Sigh..It's 5:58 p.m now..I thought,so I quicken my speed in eating so as Kookie."Uh,its almost 6:00 so I should get going.."Kookie said looking at his watch."Why?Can't you come to my house?We can watch a movie." I say.My dad won't really care much.He doesnt care about anything that includes me."I..I cant..sorry.."Kookie replied and payed for the meal before walking out."Uh..Jade could you drive me home?"he said."Sure.."I replied.

Kookie's POV

After Jade drove me home,I thought,I cant possibly let Jade know Im a werewolf..The moon then became a full moon."Just like how I sensed it to be."I say,turning into a werewolf.

Before I went crazy and smashed everything around the room,I rushed to the backyard.

"URGHHHH"I roared and smashed a ton of stuff in the backyard.

Thats when someone came to my door and ringed the bell."Oh chiz..Someone's here."I say in a monstery voice and transformed into a human.

"Hello?"I say.

"Oh hi.Im Beck.Jade's ex."

"I know.Why and how did you know where I lived?"

"Jade told me.I heard smashing from the backyard when I was passing by so I came to check what happened."

"Oh..Its nothing..I just-"I was interrupted by my temptation on transforming into a werewolf,then after a minute of headache,I turned into a werewolf.


"Beck..leave quickly please!"



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