The break up

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   Kookie's POV

     Sigh..I need to avoid Jade again because of yesterday.I mean,what's she going to do next?She might tell someone and I would be caught.Ughhh..

     I went to school and ran to the classroom as quickly as possible before being spotted.I sat at a dark corner so I won't be spotted easily.

     I notice Jade walking in and I covered my face with my hands and sighed.Now what's gonna happen..

    Class was going well,Jade hasn't spotted me.

    Jade's POV

     Class was booooring!I remembered about last night when Kookie became a werewolf.Now,where's Kookie?Is he hiding again?

     I turn back to see Kookie sitting at a dark corner,facing the window.I was kind of mad but whatever.I walked to Kookie and sat with him.

    "Hey!Why are you here?"

    "Uhh...I was just-"

    "Ok so you hate me now?

   "How bout we go to the beach later?"Kookie tried to change the subject."Don't change the subject!DO YOU HATE ME?!"I yelled."No!I-You don't understand!"He defended himself."Oh yea I do!You wanna break up with me!IF YOU WANT TO,FINE!WE'RE DONE!"I snapped,stomping out of class.

   I went to the janitor's closet and cried.WHY DID I BREAK UP WITH HIM?Ugh.Life is just like that to me.But I felt that I should have wait for him to explain.Now I ruined our relationship.

   Kookie's POV

    "JADE!DON'T LEAVE!!"I shouted as Jade stomps off."Good grief!What happened to Jade?"Sikowitz says."Hey,uh Beck!Where does Jade go when she's mad?"I asked Beck."The janitor's closet.Why-"He says as I ran to the janitor's closet."KOOKIE!"Beck shouted as he ran out too.

    "JADE!OPEN UP!"I shouted as I couldn't open the door because Jade  locked it."Jade open the door!Don't do anything stupid,please!"Beck yelled and banged the door.I could hear Jade crying."Leave me alone.."She sobbed.

   Beck ran to his locker and noticed that Jade's scissors are gone.He was even more worried.He ran back and shouted,"Jade!Don't hurt yourself!Just let Kookie explain!"

   Jade's POV

    "Really?"I sobbed."Yes!"Kookie replies.I opened the door with red puffy eyes."Jade!I was avoiding you because you know I was a werewolf!Im sorry!"Kookie hugged me."Okay but I'm not a hugger!"I say.Beck and Kookie smiled."Why are you here?"I looked at Beck."Oh uh..Bye!"Beck replies and ran away."Do you forgive me and still love me?"Kookie asked."Yes!"I say,holding Kookie's hands and jumping."Lets ditch school and watch "Werewolf nightmare"!"Kookie says and I agreed.We walked to the car and I drove back home.

   Im glad things went back to normal.Well,not really normal.Normal's boring.Life will be hard because its like that.

   "So Beck knew you were a werewolf?"I asked.Kookie nodded."Okay..Well don't worry.I don't hate you!Its cool I havs a boyfriend like you!Or wolf friend haha"I joked and Kookie laughed.Now Im kinda glad Beck and I broke up.

    Beck's POV

     I knew it!Kookie and Jade has been lovebirds!Ugh,that korean werewolf.

     Wait,but Jade knows Kookie's a werewolf?How?Did Kookie tell her?Or did she stalk him?Well probably she did..But I think she saw him transform.ARE THEY LIVING TOGETHER?!NO!IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!

    I called Kookie to ask where Jade was and DAMN it was true!Jade ruined my heart when she broke up with me already!Why did she make it worse by living with that filthy werewolf?!Im going to get them sooo bad!



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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