Love Confession

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    Jade's POV

     After seeing all the werewolf stuff yesterday,I decided to talk to Beck about it during lunch.

      "Hey Beck,"


       "Know Kookie?I know something about his secrets.."

       "What?"Beck says and looks worried.

       "Well.."I say and whisper,"He's a werewolf."Beck doesn't quite look surprised." chiz..but isnt that cool for you,Jade?"Beck says."Yea,but its not like I like him.I mean he's from Korea!"I say and walk to get coffee.

     Beck's POV

      After hearing what Jade said,I was worried.Kookie might go nuts if he finds out that Jade knows.

    I went to find Jade sitting beside her locker drinking coffee and laughing at a video on her phone.

    "What's so funny?"I asked,interrupting her."A person fell down into the river!"Jade laughed.

    The bell kinda interrupted us."Im getting to class.You coming?"Jade says."Yep."I say,walking towards the classtoom.

   Kookie's POV

    Im scared if Jade finds out Im a werewolf.Like what happens if she finds out?Will she still like me?I mean she doesnt know that I like her..Okay never mind.

    After school I walked home with Jade."So,why did you ask to come to my house?"I asked."Oh,just want to check it out and hang out with you!"She answered.I kinda blushed there so did Jade.

    I opened the door."Sorry its messy,I didnt expect you to come over.."I blushed."Its okay.Oh and also dont feel awkward.I've broke up with Beck for months.And I dumped him so hard."Jade replied,trying not to keep eye contact."Haha..okay"I say and went upstairs.

    Luckily there isn't a full moon today so Jade can sleepover here.Well,thats what I was going to ask."So uh,Jade.Do you want to have a sleepover here?You can sleep with me.."I say,looking away."Uh..Sure.I mean I can't go to Beck's if I wanted to so yea okay."She replied,blushing.

   We watched the movie "Werewolf nightmare" until late night 2:00 a.m.We had ton of fun.Lots of laughter while watching people fall.We had alot of things in common.At late night about 3 a.m,we were going to sleep.




     "I..I kinda like know...I like like you..."Jade blushed.

     "Uh..Actually I like you too."I say,offing the lights.

    "So,can I live here with you?Ill bring my stuff tomorrow"Jade asked and I nodded.Im so psyched that Jade likes me too.

Sorry the chapter was short.I will continue when more people read.Please share and vote!Thanks guys.Also subscribe to RanBye Bangtan and my friend's YT channel KawaiiUnicorn BTS

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