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و حالا من پشته اينه ايى كه به ديوار اتاقم وصل شده نامه ايى پيدا كردم و نميتونم دست از خوندنش بردارم..

Hey ive been meaning to talk to you for a while now umm I just wanted to tell you that its done and I cant do it anymore..
I cant live anymore im done fighting im done putting up with this..
Those scars on my arms you know they are not cat scratches
You know I didn't fall of my bike you know I didnt scrape it on the side of a door you know everything..
I just wanna let you know that even my soul wont forget you
I am pretty tierd..

the end

[AFTER MARGARAT]~by:LWhere stories live. Discover now