Ch: 11 Xoxo

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3rd person POV

Tom and Tam woke up the next morning and got ready for school. They ate breakfast and said goodbye to their parents before they were off. When thry arrived at school it wasn't rally anything different except for Tord rushing up and giving Tom a best hug. "TOM!!" He yelled in a worried tone. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Tom rolled his eyes. "Even if I told you, you wouldn't care and I wouldn't be your problem." He said with a lame face. Tord sighed. Tam smiled. "Hey we better go before we're late!" Tam said as she dragged Tom with her to the lockers.

Tords POV

When I said I was going to punch look alike I meant it as a joke. But Tom didn't take it that way... God I just wish he would just ditch her so I could talk to him! What's so important about her anyways?! She's just his sister! But... Then again.... She is his only family... Why am I such an idiot... God why am I so selfish!? Geez! I need to apologize to him somehow.... Or.... Her... But... How? They are never apart. Maybe... I could... Ask Tom to meet me after school! With... A note! Yes! A note will do it! I then rush off to my locker as the bell rings. Not bothering to even try and be on time. I write my note with care and walk to Tom's locker and slid it in. Oh I hope he reads it. I then casually walk to class.

Tom's POV

Class was like usual. Teacher gives a lecture. We listen and take note. I loose a chunk of my sanity. So it's pretty normal. I walk to my locker and open it then a note falls out. I pick up and read it.

      Dear Tom,
                         If you are reading this then I'm happy. Thanks for reading. I ask that you meet me on the school roof after school. Don't worry your not in trouble. I'm just wanting to clear our toxic air. So please meet me.


Well that was a sweet note. Wonder who it is. All they put was xoxo. Hmm.. well I guess I should meet them. I then walk to my next class.

My Highschool Sweetheart (TordTom)Where stories live. Discover now