"Turn it back on"

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After a couple of rides with the kids they wanted to go off on their own so we sent guards with them while us parents annoyed each other with our presence

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After a couple of rides with the kids they wanted to go off on their own so we sent guards with them while us parents annoyed each other with our presence. I didn't see Matt for the rest of the night so I was pretty much happy and worried about that. When Drew said it was time for us to head to the front of the amusement park to meet the kids I was a bit sad because I didn't get cotton candy yet but I figured next time this gives me a chance to come back again. When we make it to the front we wait for a whole 30 minutes and I felt worried so I called Avery and than Hunter and than Dillon and got no answer from either of their phones.

"Get anything" I ask Layla and Alex who shook their heads with a sigh.

"Drew" I say looking at him worried.

"Hey don't worry I'm sure they just got lost or something" He says with a light smile as he dialed a number on his phone.

"you may be" I was cut off by my phone ringing when I looked down it was a unknown number and based on the circumstances at the moment that already told me half of everything.

"hello" I sigh answering the phone only to get the bitches person ever on the line.

"So how's life been Amara" Myla says cheerfully.

"You know very eventful" I say casually looking around the park slowly earning weird looks from everyone.

"Really do tell"

"Just having fun at a amusement park, how about you" I sigh.

"oh just talking to an even bitchier version of you" She says with a lightly laugh. "Avery is it"

"So you took them" I say angrily.

"pissed are you" She laughs.

"pissed vengeful I'm a lot of things Myla and the fact that you would stoop this low is very Queen asshole of you"

"Well it wasn't all me you should question people around you don't you think" She laughs.

"The only thing that I'm going to question is were in the hell am I going to put your body when I kill you" I say with a slight laugh.

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