Now everybody's dead

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Matty wasn't exactly sure what happened next, all he knew was that someone - George dragged him out of the shop before the teller could reload, his strong hands keeping Matty on his feet even when he stumbled and tripped over his boots.

They pushed through the door again with the soft jingling of the bell chasing them, the sound contrasting the recent gunfire so strongly that Matty was tempted to point it out, but when he tried to open his mouth to speak, he was hit with a wave of pain instead, leaving him doubled over in the parking lot as his hand instinctually went to his side which was damp with blood.

"Fuck," Matty groaned, his eyes watering as he tried to keep moving, but his knees almost gave out on him, only George's strong hold keeping him upright for a little bit longer.

"Matty, oh my god - it's okay love, you're alright, the van's here," George was muttering frantically, his touch remaining gentle even as he hauled Matty inside the doors with such speed that it left Matty feeling dizzy and slightly sick. "Go!" George yelled as soon as they were safely inside, his voice emerging cracked and so inundated with fear that Matty found himself tearing up, although that might have been from the pain as well.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Ross gasped as Adam rocketed out of the parking lot, the motion causing Matty to whimper when it jostled his body harshly.

"Teller had a fucking gun, he got a shot off on Matty. The bullet grazed him I think, but fuck - I knew I shouldn't have let him do this, this is all my fault."

"Shut up George, we can toss blame at each other later, but for now, you've got to stop the bleeding," Ross ordered, his words sounding far away and muffled to Matty as he tried to find a more comfortable position to lie in.

"Yeah, alright," George whispered frantically, his breath coming in sharp pants that sounded louder to Matty than the blood rushing through his ears.

"Fuck," Matty sobbed when he felt something pressing against his wound, his spine arching upward in an attempt to escape the pain, his eyes falling shut as his head spun and his stomach roiled violently.

"I'm sorry love, I know it hurts, but I'm just trying to help."

"Give him some weed," Adam suggested, passing his spiff to Ross who pressed it against Matty's lips when he leaned over, eager for anything that might help him escape the agony he was currently in.

George's free hand wrapped around his chest protectively, allowing Matty to balance his weight on him so he didn't have to work so hard to keep himself upright. Matty only managed a few puffs on the blunt before he collapsed back downward with tears rolling across his cheeks as he tried to avoid looking at his wound for as long as possible.

"You alright Matty? We're almost home, do you think you can make it?" Ross asked when Matty whimpered quietly, his tone radiating concern, but not panic, which Matty assumed meant he wasn't going to die anytime soon.

"Yeah - just hurts," Matty groaned softly, turning his head so he could bury it in George's shoulder when they hit a particularly bumpy stretch of road.

"I'm so sorry Matty," George choked out, his lips grazing across the crown of Matty's head as he held him close, continuing to apply pressure to his wound the entire time.

"Don't apologize, I was the one who wanted to do this."

"But if you'd never gotten involved with us, you wouldn't be hurt at all," George reminded him, and of course, that was the farthest thing from the truth, but Matty was too exhausted and achy to tell George just how wrong he was.

/ / R O B B E R S / / (Matty Healy/George Daniel)Where stories live. Discover now