She says, "Babe, you look so cool, you look so cool, you look so co-o-oo-ool.

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"George," Matty gasped when his head stopped spinning for a brief moment. George had somehow managed to get him up on the bathroom sink, and he was dabbing at his side carefully with a cloth although Matty couldn't remember the journey to the toilets all that well.

"You're alright love, the wound isn't deep, it just looks nasty, but Ross will stitch you up soon."

Matty shook his head weakly, trying to find the words that he wanted to say so desperately. He had to tell George that he meant more to him than stealing, than the rush he got from a robbery, or anything really, and if it made George happy, he was willing to try and find another way to survive. He'd do whatever it took as long as they were together, but his thoughts refused to untangle themselves from his brain, so he chose the simpler option instead.

"I love you," Matty whispered, some of his pain receding when George paused his motions to look Matty squarely in the eye.

Matty didn't give George a chance to return his sentiment before he was clasping his face in his bloodstained hands and pulling him in for a kiss, drowning everything else out in the movement of George's lips against his, because he knew George loved him, he didn't need to hear it again.

George seemed to understand everything Matty had failed to say aloud when they both broke apart given the fact that he seemed noticeably calmer. The frantic look had disappeared from his eyes, now they were simply filled with love and concern, both of which Matty would never tire of receiving from him.

"I love you too, I'm so sorry this happened to you."

"It's fine, you were right you know?" Matty attempted to clarify his thoughts before Ross interrupted his pain induced epiphany. "Maybe we shouldn't keep doing this, it is a bit dangerous after all."

"Yeah? You'd really consider that?"

"Seems like the smart thing to do, although you might not be as attracted to me if I get a normal job, not nearly as dashing as the whole robber thing," Matty giggled, something about the way George was smiling at him releasing a bubble of mirth inside his stomach that outweighed his pain by a large margin.

"Oh fuck off, you know nothing you do could make me think less of you, and anything that doesn't involve guns has suddenly become much more attractive to me right now."

"So what do you say, want to see if we can change our names and settle down properly, we can try and make a go at living a normal life?"

"That sounds good babe - perfect actually," George grinned, his eyes sparkling happily as he kissed Matty quickly seconds before Ross came barging into the room.

"Cool," Matty smiled back, his adrenaline rush from earlier now replaced by the excitement of what might await him and George in the future.

Maybe they could get their own place, somewhere that was completely theirs, perhaps they could even adopt a pet or two eventually, but no matter what happened, Matty had George, and that was really all that mattered, so he was going to stop taking advantage of the gift fate had given him and enjoy every moment he possibly could with the man he loved more than anything in the entire world.

/ / R O B B E R S / / (Matty Healy/George Daniel)Where stories live. Discover now