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So second chapter is up. Still don't own Harry Potter, only Robyn and some plot points. Enjoy!

Remus Lupin had been stressed. Not only did he have to worry about his full moon problem, but now there was also a war going on. And unfortunately, his friends were in the middle of it. The was no escaping this problem, not even for five minutes. He was constantly worrying about Lily and James and the safety of their family. He couldn't rest for a moment in fear of hearing bad news about another member of the Order being insured or worse, killed.

That member could be one of his closest friends, for example Sirius who often was more reckless with his decisions.

No there was no escaping his problem anymore. This wasn't Hogwarts where whenever he felt overwhelmed with stress and worry he would either eat some chocolate or read a book. In the real world, out of the school walls, a war was raging and there seemed to be no end to it.

Sitting behind his kitchen table with a cup of tea in hand, Remus pondered over the possibilities which could end the war. There didn't seem to be many positive ones. Not many where all the people that were still alive would survive. The Order of Phoenix was strong, but Voldemort had more follower then them. Fear did wonders. A little threat here and there and a lot of wizards were willing to change the side that they were on. Change what they believed in. Anyone could betray you at any given moment and Remus just hoped that someone from the Order wouldn't to that.

Remus was so lost in his thoughts that when a sudden loud noise came from his living room he almost fell out of the chair his had been sitting in. Cautiously taking out his wand from the inner pocket of his jacket he approached the living room. Remus was trying to be as quiet as possible because it could have been anyone. None of his friends were supposed to come over tonight so it was more than likely that it could have been a death eater. He prepared himself mentally for a duel that could be his last.

However, what Remus didn't expect was, as he got closer to the living room, to hear a young child crying. Even though, he wanted to run in there, he had to be cautious. As he peeked into the room from behind the wall he was surprised to see that it was his goddaughter Robyn. Seeing the child in such distress Remus forgot all thoughts about danger and rushed into the room. He scooped Robyn into his arms and tried to calm her down be stroking her back and speaking words of comfort.

Remus' mind was going 100 miles per hour trying to understand what was going on. How is Robyn here? Why is it only her? Did someone drop her off here? But why isn't there a note then?

Nothing was making sense at the moment, so focusing on the sobbing child in his arms was the most logical thing he could think of. It took almost fifteen minutes to calm Robyn down and even though she wasn't crying anymore Remus still understood that the child was in distress. If not by anything else than by the fact that Robyn was holding onto Remus like he was her lifeline.

His goddaughter still in his arms, he walked back into the kitchen and rummaged through the cupboards for a bar of chocolate. When he found one he sat down on a chair, Robyn in his lap.

"Hey, birdy. Everything is going to be alright." He said stroking the girls head. "Here, eat some chocolate it will make you feel better." He broke the bar into little pieces, so they were small enough for the three-year old to eat. After having a few pieces of chocolate, Robyn started feeling warm inside.

"Birdy I need to ask you some questions. Could you try and answer them?" Remus asked cautiously. Robyn nodded her small head, the feeling of safety returning to her the longer she sat on her uncle's lap.

"Can you tell me how you got here?" And even though he knew it was unlikely for the three-year old to answer that question, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when the only response he got was a shrug of her shoulders. "What can you tell me? What happened before you got here?"

Hearing that question, Robyn turned more serious again.

"There was someone at home." She mumbled head turned downwards. "We were playing. Then mommy took us to Harry's room. Then the figure came." The more Remus heard her talking, the more he felt fear grow inside him. He knew that it could only mean one thing.

"Then there was light, and mommy fell," Remus felt tears gathering in his eyes. This could only mean that Lily was dead. He tried to prepare himself for what he could hear next from her, but what Robyn said, was the last thing he could have ever prepared for.

"The figure did the light again. It hurt me and Harry. And... and... then he was gone." Remus' eyes widened.

"Was it the same spell that hit your mom?" He asked still not believing what he had just heard and when Robyn nodded Remus started to check her over. He was looking for any sign that a spell had hit her. When he finally looked behind her left ear he saw a red scar in the shape of a lightning bolt. As his fingers brushed over it Robyn moved away.

"Moony," she whispered. "I got scared. Then I thought of you. Moony safe. Then here I am," she explained.

It seemed to Lupin that the little girl in his lap had apparated into his house. It seemed that all the emotions she felt made her apparate to the first safe place she could think of. Even with these circumstances, Remus still felt happy that Robyn trusted him so much.

"As I said before, everything will be alright." Even if he himself didn't 100% believe those words he needed to make the little girl believe them. "You are safe now. Now come, come, it's time for bed."

Because Robyn was his goddaughter he had some of her spare things at his home and even though he had a guest bedroom she often slept in, he decided that it would be best for the both them to sleep in the same room tonight. In that case, Remus' bedroom which housed the largest bed in the building.

Once they had gotten ready for the night Remus laid down next to Robyn and started humming her a lullaby he had learned for her. When Remus found out he was going to be Robyn's godfather, he wanted to do his best at that and in his mind that meant learning a lullaby, just in case it was some day needed. And needed it was. He has sung (or hummed) it to her over 200 times for sure and it always worked with her like a sleeping potion.

Sleep came to Robyn quickly, but Remus was awake for the better part of the night. He couldn't imagine a world with out Lily and James. He was also worried about Harry. Was the boy even alive? And why hadn't anyone visited him yet with any news?

He pondered over those questions and many more until he was physically unable to keep his eyes open anymore. But one thing was sure to him. He would do everything to keep his birdy, little Robyn, safe. His goddaughter. Probably the closest thing he would ever have to a daughter. He was determined to do everything in his power to keep her safe and to give her the best life he possibly could.

Turning into a werewolf every month is an obstacle when raising a child, but that was a problem he was determined to find a solution for. It didn't matter what he had to do, but he knew that Robyn was now his number one priority. He'd do anything to her. In that he was sure.

Thinking about doing a time jump next chaper. Maybe... 

That's all I can say. 

Thank you for reading. 

Still apologize if there are any spelling mistakes.  

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