The time has come

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The years flew by without either of them realising how fast. It was time for Robyn to go to Hogwarts. For the third time.

She remembers the first time she went to Hogwarts like it was yesterday. She was nervous to leave Remus. He was her home. So, stepping onto the train had been hard. It was even harder to find a spot where she could sit and wait to for the train's arrival to Hogwarts. But luck must have been on her side on that day.

She had just settled down in the only empty compartment when the doors were opened by two boys. One glance was all that was needed to know that the boys were brothers. Twins, to be exact.

The boys were full of energy and the three were quick to become friends. Fred and George Weasley had been Robyn's best friends from that moment onwards. They had all been sorted into Gryffindor, which also help with them becoming such great friends.

This year was the same as the last two. She shared a compartment with Fred and George.

"Did you hear the news?" George was quick to ask.

"What news?" Robyn didn't know what he was talking about. 

"How can you not know what we are talking about?" Fred said. 

"Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts!" They said in union.

Robyn didn't know how to react to the news. Of course she knew she had a brother, but never in a million years could she have imagined that today would be the day that she met him again. After ten years of being separated seeing him was her biggest dream.

The only problem was. She didn't know if he would be as excited to see her again. Or worse she didn't even know if he knew that she, Robyn Lily Potter, his sister, existed.

The twins saw that this news had affected her, because the girl had never been that quiet with them around before. They tried to get her to engage in a conversation with them, but saw that nothing was working. So they let her be. Let her think about her brother and whatever else was maybe on her mind.

Soon other people from their year and house started to join them. They all squeezed on to the seats in the compartment. Fred, who was sitting next to Robyn, Put his arm around her shoulder when he saw that the girl wasn't even reacting to other people coming into their compartment. He pulled Robyn gently towards him.

After everyone was seated Fred did not remove his arm from around Robyn because as it was stated before there wasn't a lot of free room in the compartment anymore. A let's be honest, Fred really didn't mind the position that they were in.

At one point of their journey Robyn rested her head on Fred's shoulder, still with his arm around her. This wasn't anything new to them, but everyone else's eyes seemed to light up. Lee, George and Fred's other best friend, knew just how much Fred liked Robyn. From the first night they had spent in the same Gryffondore bedroom, Lee had heard countless storys and facts about Robyn. Mostly praises coming from Fred. For example, "did you see how effordlessly she casted that spell," or "how amazing was Robyn at this or that." The list goes on and on.

Everyone knew that it was only a matter of time when the two would get together. There was on if, only when.

They arrived at Hogwarts in what felt record time. Every time they got on the train it felt like the road got shorter and shorter.

Robyn made it to the Great Hall and sat down at her usual spot at the Gryffindor table. She still hadn't gotten over the fear of meeting her brother.

What if he isn't in Gryffindor? What if he is in Slytherin and that makes him hate me more?

At the thought of that, Robyn let head fall onto the table with a thud.

"Ow," she said quietly after a moment.

"Everything alright?" came the unusually quiet voice of Fred Weasley. When had he arrived next to her, she did not know.

"Yeah, everything is A okay." She said as she lifted her head from the table and put it on Fred's shoulder.

After a moment of silence passed Robyn asked, "What if he hates me? What if he blames me for what happened to our parents? What if he is put in Slytherin and he hates me even more?" A single tear slipped out of her eye.

"Hey, hey, that is not possible, and do you know why?" Robyn had now lifed her head from Fred's shoulder and they were looking into each other's eyes.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because you are the most amazing person that there is. I couldn't have asked for a better friend then you."

"Thank you, Fred, you always know how to make me feel better." And before they could say anything else, they saw Dumbledore standing up.

"Before we start with the feast, let's welcome our new first year student."

With that the doors of the Great Hall opened.

It didn't take Robyn long to spot her brother. She may not remember a lot about her childhood with her parents and her brother, but from all the pictures that she had seen, she could tell that her brother was the exact copy of their father.

Name after name was called out and to Robyn it seemed like forever before her brother's name was called out.

"Harry Potter!"

A few head turned towards her as they heard the famous Potter name.

Please be Gryffindor, please be Gryffindor. Robyn chanted over and over again in her head.

Of course, when it was her brother's turn the hat took linger then with any other student. It seemed to Robyn that everything out there was against her tonight.

Please be Gryffindor. She said in her mind a few more times.

"Gryffindor!" the sorting hat shouted out.

Robyn felt like she could breathe a little easier again.

That feeling only lasted for a moment, because in the next second she realised that the only available stop at the table was next to her. And she couldn't change seats anymore, without causing a scene.

You are brave, you can do it. You are family.

"Hello," came a happy voice from next to her. "I'm Harry."

"Hello," was all that Robyn managed to say at first. Be brave, be brave, be brave.

"I'm Robyn Potter and I'm your sister." 

Robyn Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now