The mall

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Elsa's P.O.V.
I look around and see my mom. I immediately run at her as she embraced me in a hug.

"Oh Elsa."

"Mom." I cry.

"Elsa I know that you want to be with me but can't. Your sister needs you, Jack needs you. I need you to promise me to protect them."

"I promise." I smile.

"Elsa, Elsa." I open my eyes to a pain in my head and groan from the light that didn't help. I close my eyes to calm the pain and open them to the blue eyes I fell in love with.

"Jack." I shoot up and wrap my arms around him.

"Thank God you're alright."

"What happened?" I ask.

"Three weeks ago when you jumped over those stairs, a ceiling beam hit you and you fell 50 feet to the bottom. When the medics came, they said you had a concussion."

"Wait did you say three weeks ago?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"I had a huge history test last week." I tease.

"Oh relax big baby." Jack cooed. We sit in silence as Jack's eyes dart to my lips. I take the lead and press my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pull him down.

Jack combes his fingers through my hair and moved his lips to my neck. Jack found my sweat spot and nips around there. I tilt my head to the side as Anna ran in the room. Jack quickly got away as Anna fell on my bed.


"Hey Anna." I smile, hugging her.

"I thought you had died."

"Sadly no." Jack joked.

"Jack." I chuckle as Snowflake jumps on my lap.

"Snowflake thank goodness you're ok." J smile, hugging her.

"Oh ugh God forbid we got hurt." Jack muttered.

"Jack you're my life, I would never hurt you." I smile, petting Snowflake.

"You said in the fire Jack should go on without you." Anna points out.

"Shut up." I scoff, pushing her off the bed.

"At least you didn't say that to Nick." I snap my head at Anna, who covers her mouth.

"Get, out." I growl.

"Elsa I'm sorry I didn't mean it."

"I SAID GET IT, BOTH OF YOU!" I yell as they scram out of the room. I get out ofn bed and go to my desk, opening up the drawer and taking out a picture of a boy. I smile at the picture and the memory. I let out a shaky breath, throwing the picture to the ground.

I sit on the ground in tears, holes in the walls and my room a total mess. Books and papers everywhere, tables overthrown in rage, picture of memories torn apart.

"Elsa." I ignore him as he came in, wrapping his arms around me as I cry into his chest.

"Shhh, it's ok, everything's alright." Jack pet my hair.

"Wow what happened here?" I hear Anna scoff.

"Anna out!" Jack snaps as I hear Anna leave.

"What happened here, did it have to deal with Anna?" Jack asked gently.

"Yes." I cry.

"Is it about the boy she mentioned?"

"Yes." I sob.

"Who is that boy, it seemed like you got frustrated when Anna mentioned him?"

"Nick was my old boyfriend in Middle School."

"Wht did you break up?"

"We didn't break up, Nick died." I choke.

"Nick died in a fire, that's why I told you to go without me, because I thought there was no hope for me. He was my life, there was no fighting or arguments or anything, just love. I thought I would never find love again after he died, I was wrong when I met you. I love you more than I would ever love Nick and I hope you feel the same."

"If course I do Elsa, why wouldn't I?" Jack asked.

"Because of what I did." I said.

"What did you do?" Jack asked. I stand up and Jack follows as I walk to my dresser, lifting it up and grabbing something. Jack looks at it and I couldn't look at him.

"When did you start cutting yourself?"

"8th grade, all year but I stopped when I got to High school."

"Why High school?" Jack asked.

"Because that's when I met you." I admit. Anna screams downstairs and Jack and I run downstairs to her.

"Anna what is it?" I ask.

"Your letter from Harvard saying if you got in of not." Anna held the envelope in her hand as I snatch it from her. Ripping the top I grab the paper inside and open it, reading it.

"What does it say?" Anna asked and I keep reading, a smile creeping onto my features.

"I'm going to Harvard University!" I hold the letter in the air.

"You did it Elsa." Jack picks me up in the air.

"I knew all that studying would pay off." Anna smiled.

"Yeah, I just wish mom was here to see it." I sigh.

"I guess you're right, but at least we're together, that's the important thing, and you have Jack." Anna smiled as I look at Jack.

"At least I have you." I smile.

"Ok you two, to celebrate how about we go get something from the mall." Jack suggested.

"Even Anna?" I joke.

"Hey!" Anna pouts.

"Yes, now let's go." Jack smiled as we go to his car, getting in and starting the car. We drive to the mall in silence and find a parking spot. We walk in the mall and go past all the shops.

"Wait where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." Jack smirks. I could hear screaming and I knew where we were going.

"Nickelodeon Universe?" I smile.

"I know you've always wanted to go." Jack smiles as we enter the park.

"But don't we need passes?" I ask.

"Done." Jack held four passes.

"Wait why four?" Anna asked.

"Because I'm here." Kristoff walks behind Anna.

"Kristoff!"Anna squeals, hugging him.

"Now you two enjoy the park and we'll text you when we're headed out. Kristoff how much money do you have?" Jack asked.

"About three hundred." Kristoff said.

"Perfect, let's get started."

Frost and snowflakes. A jelsa love story. Where stories live. Discover now