He's back

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Elsa's P.O.V.

"Jack I don't wanna." I whine as we go up the steps.

"Well too bad." Jack cooed. We get on the ride and I couldn't help but feel scared.

"You owe me big time." I growl as the ride starts.

"I know and I promise I'll make it up to you." Jack smiles as we go through the ride. The ride was peaceful with a forest kind of setting. It calmed me from how stressed I was. I didn't realize the drop was coming as I cling onto Jack. We fell down the ramp and I hold onto Jack tighter.

The ride soon ends as I get out, almost falling as Jack caught me. I push him away and stand up.

"Come on Snowflake, why don't we get some lunch, I bet you're hungry."

"Yeah." We head to Hard Rock café and sit outside. We order our food and it comes as we dig in. Jack didn't stop looking at a piece of paper all lunch.

"What are you reading?" I ask.

"Nothing." Jack mumbles, not looking at me.

"Ok." I grab the paper from him as Jack tried to grab it.

"No. I want to see what's got your attention." I look over the paper and see it was frim a university.

"Stanford, you're going to college at Stanford?" I ask.

"No, it isn't like that."

"Than explain this." I throw the paper at him.

"I have gotten so many scholarships from different collegeg. I just got this one and was wondering what they had to offer. Bur really, I wanted to set us up for this." Jack handed me something and I open the envelope, reading the letter.

"Can you really put us in the same dorm?" I ask.

"Yeah. We move in a month after graduation, meaning we need to get things for our dorm." Jack smiled.

"Can we do it another day, I'm too lazy." I pout.

"How about tomorrow?"

"That sounds good." I smile. We finished lunch and go on a few more rides before walking out of the park.

"Jack, aren't we going back home?" I ask.

"Yes but first I need to get something for you." Jack said.

"What?" I groan.

"Just wait." Jack went into a store as I just go on my phone, waiting for Jack. About five minutes later Jack still hasn't come back as I felt like I was being watched. I look around and see no one watching me as I go back to my phone, putting my hood up.

"Did you hear that that Hans guy got out of jail last night?" A man said as he walks past me.

"But what about what he did?"

"The police had no evidence so they let him go." The men got far enough that I couldn't hear them as I stand frozen.

"Elsa?" I come back to my senses and shake my head.

"Elsa what's wrong?" Jack asked.

"Let's just get back home." I said. Jack and I walk to the car and get in, driving home.

"Elsa what's wrong, you seemed bothered?" I just ignore him, pulling my hood up and looking outside the window. Jack or I didn't say anything for the whole way back, and I was happy about that.

Jack's P.O.V.
When I dropped Elsa at home she seemed to be in a rush, only muttering a quick goodbye as she ran inside. I wanted to know what was going on with Elsa so I could help her and there was only one person I knew that could get me the information I needed.

I grab my phone and went into my contacts. I find her number and call her as she picks up.

"Hey Jack, what's happening?"

"Elsa. She seems a bit off."

"Off? Off...how?"

"I can tell something is bothering her but when I ask she won't tell me like she normally would. She won't even talk to me."

"That definitely isn't Elsa. But if she won't talk to you, what makes you think she'll talk to me?"

"I'm not saying she'll tell you anything, I'm just asking if you know anything that could be bothering her."

"Well have you checked the news?"

"Why?" I scoff.

"Jack it's everywhere and I won't be surprised if Elsa won't want to come out of her house."

"Anna, tell me!"

"Hans is out of prison." I sit there in shock.

"Why in the right mind would anyone let that devil out?" I snap.

"There wasn't enough evidence so they let him go."

"So you're saying that they think Elsa was lying?" I ask.

"In a way yes."

"Thank you Anna." I sigh.

"Any time." I hang up and get out of the car, going inside Elsa's house and up to her room.

"Snowflake." I walk in the room and see Snowflake sleeping on the bed, a note next to her. I sit on the bed and pick the note up.


I thought you might come by to the house after you figure it out, I'm just down in the pool room if you are looking for me.

I get up and walk out of the room downstairs to the pool room as Snowflake followed. I see Elsa in her favorite basket seat just reading as I came down.

"I was wondering when you would show up." Snowflake ran to Elsa and I follow.

"You know Hans has some issues." I walk to her.

"Yeah, who wants a guy who's been in jail, rapes a girl and who hates his crushes boyfriend?" Elsa scoffs, looking at something.

"No one." I sit next to her as she cuddles close to me, dropping what she was doing.

"Just know Hans won't hurt you let alone see you ever again." I pet her hair.

"What are you doing anyways?" I ask.

"Ever since my mom passed I've been having to take care of the bills."

"Well don't, I'll have my parents help with money."

"Jack no I couldn't ask that much of you."

"Elsa don't worry, for now just try to relax and remember I'm here for you and always will be."

Frost and snowflakes. A jelsa love story. Where stories live. Discover now