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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING when Sarah received the call from Beverly

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IT WAS THE NEXT MORNING when Sarah received the call from Beverly. It was 10 am and Sarah was eating breakfast with Bill still in PJs when the phone rang. Their parents were already at work so Sarah got up from eating her cereal and grabbed the phone.


"Hey, Sarah it's me Beverly..... look I need you guys to come over.... there's something you gotta see, all of you guys."

"Yeah sure we'll be there."

"Please hurry."

Sarah hung up the phone and looked at Bill.

"W-what is it?"

"Beverly says we need to go over to her place, she says we need to hurry."

Bill nodded.

"Call R-Richie, he can go over t-to Eddie's and S-Stan's."

Sarah then calls Richie and waits for him to answer the phone. Sarah heard it ring a couple of time until someone answered.

"Hello?" Mrs.Tozier Asked.

"Hi, Mrs.Tozier it's me Sarah Denbrough. I was hoping I could talk to Richie."

"Of course sweetie, just a second."

Sarah heard mumbling and conversation until she heard someone take the phone.

"Hey Cherry Bomb."

Sarah rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Hello Richie."

"So you're calling because you wanna go on a date? I knew my Tozier moves would get you. I'll-" Sarah cuts him off before he could continue.

"Slow your roll Tozier, I called you because Beverly wants all of us to meet at her place. Tell Eddie and Stan, I'll be telling Ben. We'll meet at our house and go over to hers."

"Alright, See you then Cherry Bomb. Don't forget about me."

"How could I? Even when your gone I could still hear you talking." She says sarcastically.

She hangs up and then finally calls Ben, she waits again and sees Bill holding her bag. She gives him a thumbs up and hears Ben pick up the phone.


"Hey, Ben, it's me Sarah."

"What's up?"

"Beverly called me and she asked us to all come over. Meet me at my house, you remember where it is, right?"

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10."

"Okay bye."

She hangs up the phone and goes upstairs to change out of her PJs. She wore her tan overalls with a yellow shirt, and wearing her white sneakers to top it off. She puts her hair in a pony tail and walks downstairs to Bill and grabs her backpack and both heading toward the garage.

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