Chapter 1: You can see me, but not hear me

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* Anastasia's Mind *

Sometimes you think you can get what you want, what you need, what you bring and what you think. Life is not easy and it is not hard, all there is to live and laugh, but sometimes there are parts missing in your life and with mine its love. Love has been trouble for me since primary school. No boys ever liked me, no boys ever talked to me, no boys ever looked at me, but the only time they have looked at me, is when they judge on how i look and what I wear, which is really not a good thing for girls. I always wanted to change my looks, the way I walked, the way I talked, the way I dressed, the way I looked, the way I communicate. Its never gonna happen, like look at me, I look ugly with my brown, curly hair, dull hazel eyes, my big lips and all the guys care about me are my boobs and its usually a good thing for sluts like you can always imagine. I always look ugly everyday, every night, every morning and everytime. I just wish I can change myself, like the guys that I'm into is really hard to get and see them, by the guys that I like they only like girls that are so pretty, with there gorgeous hair flowing out, boobs sticking out (as like that is normal) and everytime when I go with my friends, I see really hot guys just popping out of no where and just start making love to them. Is this what love is all about? Like come on, no one wants to be loved like that, but the feeling that I'm getting through in my body is upsetting and heartbroken, like no one even knows who you are, its like you are just a piece of crap to them and its like no one even cares about you.

*Anastasia wakes up in the morning, gets out of bed, and walks out and gets ready until she see's her mum*

"Morning Mum." I said in a normal wake up toned way.

"Morning sweetie, did you have a nice sleep? Did you get any nightmares?" Mum said in a awkward voice.

"Umm no, that was so weird mum.... really?" I said 

"Honey, ahah i'm just joking with you, hurry up your gonna be late for school!" Mum said, as she was making toast.

"Mum! I just freckin woke up, I need to eat alright, calm down, ain't the end of the world, if I'm late....." I said in a angry toon.

"Alright, alright, go get dressed and get ready your gonna be late!" Mum said in her normal voice.

"Ok, ok calm your farm mum.." I said cause I was bothered.

I went into my room and got changed, I always play my music while I'm getting ready. I'm in love with so many songs, my head is going to explode, from all of these amazing songs, I think I will just die. I took of my grey, old trackie pants and put on my disgusting stockings, which I hate, cause it is so annoying to wear i, it makes me die everytime when I wear it. Then I put my purple blouse and then on top of that is my black, navy, nun dress for school. I fucking hate my school, so much bullshit, dramas and girls that act all lovie dovie on the boys next door from us.

* In my friends car, getting dropped off at my bus stop *

Just arrived at my bus stop and everyone is at my bus stop. From different schools and from different places. I see my two closes friends, they are like sister to me, Ally and Isabella. I have know Ally since year 7 and Isabella since year 5. They have been amazing, they are my sisters and I love them to bits and pieces. And my other friend Elizabeth, she is the best, know her all my life, she is my sister, even though she was born from another family, sh eis still my sister and will always be my favourite forever. 

When the bus came, I put my bus pass in and all I can see is the back full. The sits were full from all the guys next door from my school and from the school behind the train station. I knew half of the boys on my bus, all of them I knew, everyone calls me the boy lover, cause its true, I do like guys, a lot and its funny and weird at the same time, as no one is like me, by crushing on so many guys, its a gift. as people only like one person, theres me liking more than one guy, probs around 2-4 guys. I see this guy on my bus, he is gorgeous, with his shiny, black hair, sexy blue and green eyes and his beautiful smile with his whiten teeth, he is amazing, he was just ugh, too good for someone like me and his name was amazing, his hot name named Luke. He was sitting next to his closes friend Patrick. I know Patrick, we use to be really good friends but now not really, we don't talk a lot anymore now. I don't know what happened with us, I don't mean like in a liking state, I mean as a friend. But ew Patrick nah, he is just not right for me, like not my type and never ever I will date Patrick, just no.

We arrived at the train station, Ally, Isabella and Elizabeth and I, were waiting for everyone to get out of the bus, so we can be last to get of the bus. All my girls got off and same with the boys from the back and all I can see is me and Luke are the last ones on the bus. I didn't know what to do, he was like right there, standing in his hottest stand in the world, like brooo, his too good and he has an ass... All I did was waiting see who wanted to go first, he comes up to me and I waited for him to go out, but he wanted me to go out first...

"You can go first." He said in his sexy, hot, deep voice.

"Oh Thanks!" I said in a really shy and happy voice.

OMG! He was beautiful, he let me off first and I was dying. His hot adam's apple, his sexy mouth smiling when he said I can get off first. Well Luke was the first crush I had in high school, the only guy that I like. 

While after that, when I got of the bus, my friends and I walked all the way down to the tunnel. Mary and her cousins, Ally, Isabella and Elizabeth didn't want to go in the tunnel, so it was only me and my best friend in the whole world, my girl helennnnaaaa! aka helenaesss. She went down with me to the tunnel and behind us were the guys on my bus including Patrick and Luke. The guys were calling my name, I felt like I want to punch them in the face so bad, cause it got really annoying, Patrick did not stop calling my name. He is like really annoying to the ass, I just wish I can just throw something into his mouth so he can shut up. Luke did not talk at all, all he did was just walking, fuck his walk was amazing, I never knew it was that hot. luke was just smiling when I turned around, Helena was like don't look at them, they are just being idiots. I listened to her, they are idiots and always will be. 

After the tunnel, we got up to the crossing just infront of my school, the boys school right next to us and the primary school right infront of us. I crossed the road, the boys walked to their gate which is down a little from my gate. I got into school, everyone was there, standing and waiting for me. I never knew what happened, I have a feeling something happened really bad. My friends are just starring at me and the thing is I have no idea whats happening at the moment its starting to get really creepy. Helena and I, just looking at each other and seeing whjy the fuck are friends are being this weird..... then we pasted the principal, she is always at the gate and is really annoying, with her Good Morning Ladies and that, but she is really nice. 

Anyways, I past the gate, the boys are walking down and all I can see is my friends in a group waiting for me. I just wonder what it is this time....

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