I'm not dead don't worry

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I'm not dead I've just gone back to school like three weeks ago XD. I went to school with a fever of 101 for 2 days and nothing happened until my teacher realised I was pretty much passing out in their class for a reason. So yeah I'm typing this in bed I just woke up from a nap. I don't feel good at all. I've been working on a Makoto x Reader and it should be done in a couple days. I want to go back to bed so badly but I feel pressure building up in my head and I have a headache and I can't. Imma eat some chicken soup and ask my mom for a dog again XD. Other than that when I get back to school imma bed ded because I was trying to at least get through tommorow because I have a test tommorow that the teacher said not to miss unless you were pretty much throwing up. YEAH TEACHER I FOLLOWED YOUR INSTRUCTIONS SO I AINT GOING TO CLASS oh Jesus my fingers are locking in place and I'm fading in and out. SOME DANGANRONPA SHOULD HELP IMMA JUST MAKE FUN OF MAKOTOS SICKNESS FRICKEN WEAK BOI actually I don't think I can even watch the video. Im eating and going to sleep. Goodbye and see ya when I feel better XD

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