1: Can't Stay Mad

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It was late. You weren't sure just how late, but judging by the darkened sky outside and the fact that you had already only just gotten home at ten o'clock, told you it was long past the time you should've been fast asleep. You were up though, working on your laptop for a few extra things you had to do for your job. That job being photography. This was a passion of yours and you loved it...well, when it wasn't keeping you up that is. A few extra tweaks here and there, or photos that had to be corrected had you awake even longer through the night.

"I could have sworn I did this already..." You said to yourself. Sleep beginning to cloud into your mind like a fog, which ended up making you yawn. You however, being determined to fall asleep with a clear conscious, stood up and headed to the kitchen to try and wake yourself up with a glass of water. You were going to finish this tonight.

You poured yourself a class of crystal fluid and made your way back over to your desk to sit down and take a sip.

"Back at it..." you whispered. A motivational tactic of encouraging yourself that was proving to not work so well as you stared into the black abyss of the monitor in front of you. Your eyelids felt heavy and they began to close.

The sound of something chiming up against your water glass made your hair stand on end. Your eyes shot open to see what the sound was, only to be met by a vibrating phone that was lighting up with your boyfriend's name.

 Your eyes shot open to see what the sound was, only to be met by a vibrating phone that was lighting up with your boyfriend's name

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