2: Click. Pinch. Black.

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You woke up to the same familiar feeling of Jungkook's arms wrapped securely around your waist. There was a haze of threatening sleep that still hung over your pupils, and it made the sun that was shining in feel like you were standing directly on it. With bright, hot firey wisps that englufed you in your bed. The groan that escaped from the man behind you reminded you that the heat was only from his soft breaths on the back of your neck. The curtains were blowing in the window of your studio apartment, which allowed natural light to bounce off of the walls and light the room. You yawned, feeling Jungkook's chest rise and fall behind you made you giggle as it tickled a bit and you rolled over to face him.

He looked almost like a doll, like...a child so perfect that you could swear they were made of porcelain. His hair fell across his forehead, catching in his eyelashes then gathering up at the pillow beneath his head. His lips, plump and pink stood out against his clear, soft skin and seemed to be in a small pout while he groaned once more.

He must've felt the weight shift in his arms, your weight. Contrary to the belief of anyone who might meet him for the first time...he was actually a very gentle person. He was just a bit shy with showing it at times, though he did cuddle every night that he was over at your house and stayed. He just had to warm up to you, take a moment to let him be...well, himself. Determined, jealous, playful, protective, kind, and childlike Jungkookie.

"Kookie...?" You smiled and gently booped his nose in a tiny effort to wake him.

No use.

"Jungkook...it's time for me to go to work now okay?" You said, but still earned no response from the stunning man that lay before you. Not like you expected him to wake with just the little bit of contact you gave him, after all...he was a bit known for not easily waking up after he was fast asleep. After his surely eventful night, he probably needed his rest anyways.

You began to move, trying your best to un-noticeably slide your way out of bed so that you didn't wake Jungkook up. Though just as you were almost free, a pair of arms pulled you back in and you fell mercilessly at their strength.

"Where do you think you're going..." He grumbled, his voice was deep and husky after just waking up and you could feel the red heat rising in your cheeks.

"I..have to go to work Kookie, you know this. Now let go." You said, trying your best to stand firm against his voice that could make cold butter melt right off the plate. You were able to squirm free, barely, and made your way across the room to begin your morning routine.

"Stay here with me...please?" Jungkook pouted, his voice going soft now while he whined to you as you began to get dressed in the bathroom where he couldn't see you. "There's much more fun things for you to do here...and you could take pictures of me instead of others..." He grumbled. You knew how jealous Jungkook could get to be, which you thought was cute at times...especially considering that the only one you had eyes for was him.

"The pictures that I'm editing are of you silly...the ones I took when we were in the field that day" You laugh while finishing up in the bathroom with brushing your teeth, next up, hair.

"But you could see the real thing right here!" He continued to protest while you brushed the tangles out, put a bit of hairspray in and left the bathroom, closing the door. It was work...and well, your hair luckily didn't take much to tame it today. You made your way over to him and knelt beside the bed, smiling while your eyes made their way across his structured face. His cheeks puffed out as he gave a pout, his last effort to get you to stay. He must've still been tired, being that he usually would've put up more of a fight. One you just might have given into.

"There is water in the fridge, and I should have some snacks and food in there if you'd like to cook yourself something...please wait until you're a bit more coherent though" You say to him, watching as he nodded and his eyes slowly closed to carry him off into the intoxicating world of dreams. You give him a kiss on his cheek, and stand as you grab your bag and make your way to the window. The breeze was still blowing in, pushing a slight chill into the room which you didn't want Jungkook to have to deal with after waking up. You brought the smudge-less glass to a close, taking a moment to look at the scenery outside. Trees lined the thick median in the road, Met with sunrise pink and magenta colored flowers in between them to give the eyes a rest from all of the trees and shrubbery. Your eyes were trailing along the various flower beds when you noticed a tall, sort of slender hooded figure down on the sidewalk. You hesitated, figuring that it was probably just someone out for a morning jog or fresh air. But they didn't move. They just...stood there, looking up at your window.

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