22. Farasi

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We love unicorns and horses. That's right how cool is it if we learnt about them.



This simply means; Horse

Who doesn't love horses?

Example in a sentence.

Napenda FarasiMeaning; I love  horses.

Related Terms

Punda /noun/:  means Donkey

Punda milia /noun/: means Zebra

N.B   I have realized some lovely readers have really taken interest in this language. Which is good. Who doesn't love learning a new language. To help you. You can comment with words or sentences you would love to know in Swahili language.

Also if you are having trouble trying to pronounce (which might be for non-Bantus) I will try to make it easier.

In our English we have learnt about Syllables. Which is not different in Swahili as they are also called silabi . This will help in pronunciation.


Farasi this has 3 silabi (syllables)

That is; Fa, ra and si

To pronounce just pronounce literally how its written.

Fa+ra+si =Farasi

Pu+NDA= punda

Hope this is helpful.

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