Sleepless Nights

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We decided to watch the movie 'Heathers' and it was nearing the end. It was a good thing that I had already seen this 1000 times, because most of the movie, I couldn't take my eyes off of the amazing creature sitting across from me. I couldn't get over the way his eyes sparkled; or that sweet inviting smile.

"What now?", Tony speaks; snapping me back to reality.

"Umm. I have some money. 'Wanna go for ice cream or something?", I nervously answered.

He agreed and we walked to my house to get my car.

I shuffled my music as we headed to the Cold Stone Creamery on Clairemomt Drive.

As we sat there, taking spoonfuls of the cold treat, I tried to think of things to talk about.

"Why did you move schools?", I curiously asked. I knew it wasn't my place to be nosey but I had no other thoughts louder than that question.

I noticed a small sigh release from his mouth and I waited for him to speak.

"I spent a lot of time at my old school.. bummed and lonely.. I knew that at least at Clairemont, I had one friend. Jaime.", he trailed off.

I nodded my head slowly thinking about whether or not I should apologize for asking. I didn't. I just responded with, "Yeah, I get what you mean. Until now, I would spend most days alone. Especially sense my sister moved to Arizona. She was the only person I could really talk to about things. I mean, I have other family but I never get to see them. A lot of them still live in New Mexico. I've never been very good at making friends so I guess I was out of luck when my family moved here."

He took in everything that I told him and I saw a sympathetic look across his face.

"Tell me about your sister?", he pressed.

"Umm. She's really kind. Her name is Monica and she currently is studying at ASU. She's the only person I have who truly understands who I am."

"She sounds like a good sister. I'm sorry that she isn't here now but I'm always here. I know we just met but I can tell that you have a kind heart and I'm grateful that you were kind enough to speak to me and not just shut me out or put me down like everyone at my old schools."

"Tony, I know what it's like to feel upset, isolated, alone... I would never wish those feelings upon you."

He looked down at the grown and smirked. Soon, we realized that our bowls which once held a heart warming snack, were now empty and that we should probably go.

"Your mom still isn't home?", he wondered.

"No.. She actually won't be for a number of days. Some drama with my sister.. I don't know.."

"Oh, that's too bad..", he responded.

"It's alright.", I spoke as we pulled up to his house. I parked the car and began my goodbyes.

"That was fun. It was nice meeting you, Tone. Hope you don't mind me calling you that by the way?.. Anyways, we should hang out, out of school again. You have my number so just hit me up if you ever need anything.. I'm always free.", I giggled.

He gave me a small smile and I saw hope within his eyes.

"Yeah, thanks for everything, Atalaya. I'll text you. See you tomorrow at school."

He waved and stepped out of the car.

Time to go 'home', I thought.

As I lay under my large blankets, tossing and turning, I was startled by a notification from my phone.

I lifted it and checked the time


I opened my iMessage to see who the hell would be texting me right now

'Hey. I know it's late but are you still up? I can't sleep... Sorry..'- Tony.

Quickly responding, I typed:

'Yeah, I'm up. What's going on?'

About 50 seconds later I received another text.

'I didn't wake you, did I?! Sorry, if I did... I just have a lot on my mind so I'm restless and have no one to talk to. Jaime went to bed hours ago.'-Tony

'No, no, don't worry. I was already up. I hardly sleep, lately. Wanna talk about anything specific?'

I became grateful that I didn't take my sleeping pills because I would hate to leave Tony hanging. If there was anyone I currently knew who I would have to devote my time to, I would want it to be him.

A ring distracted me from my thoughts and I picked up my phone once again to see Tony's name illuminating my screen. I hesitantly answered and he spoke in a low shaky voice.

"Hey..Sorry for calling.. I just really, really have nothing to do.", he whispered.

"It's all good, Tone... Wait, why am I whispering? haha."

I could nearly hear his smile through the phone.

After countless minutes of rambling conversations and mischievous giggles, I checked the time once again.

"Holy shit, Tone! It's 4 am, already!"

I was shocked with how fast time flies while speaking to him. He laughed and said that we should probably try and sleep because we had school in about 3 hours.

"Alright. Sweet dreams, you little rebel. Good night. Wait, or good morning?.. Haha. I don't know. Whatever."

"You're so silly. But, sweet dreams, Miss Ladaaaaay!"

After giggling at his foolishness, I hang up.

I snuggled myself into my bed and tried to take a quick nap before having to get up and get ready for the hell awaiting me when the sun rises.

But maybe it won't be 'hell' for me, now....

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