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"Come on, leave it now" Taehyung said

"You guys go, I will come back"

They both went but I wanted some time to accept my loss.

Like you said

'she must learn to accept that she lost'

"So I heard you're planning to give up" someone from the direction my back was facing asked

I turned around to see your face


My face turned white, my breathing became fast. My heart started beating rapidly seeing you so close to me.

"Y-yes Jimin"

"Well, don't okay?"

I was too happy to see you beside me, I couldn't respond

"See, you're a great dancer, the best one I have seen, it doesn't matter that you lost this time, you'll win the next one, now smile"

Smile? I am overflowing with joy.

I Smiled so hard.... Maybe like a maniac

"T-thank you Jimin"

You stood up Jimin, and started going away.

But you turned your head, to reveal that melting smile.

"And stop stuttering"

Stuttering • Pjm FF • Short Story • JiminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now