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"Hey Lisa!" I cheerfully said,"Hi Rose! How are you guys? Hi Jennie! Missed you the weekend!"

"Look who's happy" Lisa said

I just smiled.

You entered the room.

The whole crowded room and I only looked at you.

"Hi Jimin!" I confidently said

I didn't stutter....

For once in for all I knew you liked me....... Too!

You just waved. You didn't even look at me.

What happened?... Did I do something wrong? Is that how you are supposed to behave? I am so confused....

I walked up to you. I knew I could now.

"Hey Jimin, do you want to have dinner tonight?" Bright smile on my face. No stuttering......

"Sorry, I am taking Mia to a date"


Did you get surprised?!

Did you feel a sudden urge to cry?!

Or to punch him?!

Did you feel anyone's heart breaking?

Stuttering • Pjm FF • Short Story • JiminxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now