What luck!

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I can almost see the base that Phil was talking about. I can't wait to see all of the people who are alive and dont want to eat me. As we were driving you could notice that people have been busy holding off the zombies. Shell casings everywhere, as well as broken glass and charred cloth. We drove up to the gate and Phil began to drag his sleeve up revealing a tatto of some sort. It was what looked like a small skull with smoke comming out of the mouth. He pressed the inked part of his arm onto the strange device on the door and then the gate began to open. As we were pulling into the gate you could hear faint screams and laughter. Phil glanced at me and then began to laugh as though i did something funny. I stared at the gate as it closed and didn't take my eyes off of it untill it was shut. Phil parked under a makeshift tarp that was made out of some old matierials laying around. "may look cheap but it works" phil told me as though he could read my mind.I took my bag and my gun out of the car and began to follow Phil into an.....old community bank? Inside i could hear the voice of a drunken redneck and im guessing by all of the movies ive watched a dumb blond might be in there as well. We entered the building and it actually was bigger than i expected it to be. It had a stair case leading up to the laughter we heard upstairs and they had a kitchen! They actually have a kitched in this rundown bank. Again Phil started to laugh and when i looked at him to ask why he gave me a look that made my stomatch sink. something about it looked so sad like i was someone that he lost. I'll get back to that later though. I grabbed my bags and Phil led me up to my room. To my suprise they had a third floor in this place. again another thing i will have to come back to you on. I was just happy to see that i could have my own bed to myself and be able to sleep in something that wasn't taller then me.  the sheets looked as though they were fresh though. Not something that you would expect to see when your having an apocalypse of some sort."Just throw your bags onto the bed i want to introduce you to everyone" Phil said as he was pulling me out of the door before i could mutter out a single word. Before i knew it i was standing in front of a redneck and a blond but they sure werent stupid or drunk. The male was definitly a redneck but he had muscles and a beard, more than i could ever have. The female was just my cup of  tea. Big boobs and everything........i hope shes smart and can cook. i stuttered out a couple of words and they took me in like i was family. Turns out that the bolonds name is Kira who,before all of this, finished her training in becoming a executive chef in a resturaunt...... so far so good i do say so myself. The male was another story.... i could never forget his name because he had the same name as my father. Jake..... the name of the man whome i hated the most of all. Aside from his name though he was actually pretty nice, or atleast i though so since he invited me to some initiation party of some sort. it didnt really matter to me because right after i was introduced to them i was already thinking about the shower and that is just what i did. I think i might have fallen asleep in the tub though because when i woke up i saw that Phil was stairing at me with that look again. I tried to play it cool and all but iv'e got to admit it's kinda creepy. "The welcoming party is going to begin, you need to hurry up" Phil said as he grabbed my towel off of the toilet and wrapped it around me. wait what? where did all of the water go?! Phil smiled as he looked at my puzzled face and made sure i could stand before he handed me some fresh clothes and left the bathroom. I could hear him leaning in the door though and that was one of the things that made me put on my clothes as fast as i could. The other thing was that i couldn't wait to see what they had in store for me. I have never had a party or anything like that for me at all before. i finished getting dressed and i folded everything as nice as i could hoping not to look like a slob or anything and i decided i wanted a laugh. Remembering that Phil was leaning on the door i grabbed tightly onto the handle and ripped it open. Phil came crashing down and to my suprise took me down with him. i was lucky because right at that moment Kira came running in and saw what had happened. To missunderstanding but man could she laugh. she to my  suprise didnt stop laughing until we go down into the basement.... wait.. the basement? thats not what i expected but i guess its okay... a party is still a party right? Wrong! right as i was going to ask what we were going to do in the basement Jake pushed me and i fell into some kind of ditch. "Let's see how many of these dead bags of bones you can kill" Jake screamed as Kira threw a gun at me with some ammo. Phil was in the corner giving me the sorry look like the had nothing to do with it. The door was unlocked and i scrambled to my feet. They were keeping the zombies in a locked room? i thought they were trying to get away from them? the sounds of foosteps and faint gurgaling soulds told me taht they werent joking about me having to kill some of these things to be able to stay here. i quickly loaded the gun and help my ground i made sure to get a few headshots to show that i had some good aim but i gave up on that dea when they kept on comming faster and faster. Kira decided that me bashing heads with the emoty gun wasent bloody enough. Se handed me a chefs knife and stared at me with anticipation. i grabbed it as fast as i could and started hacking the heads off of the monsters. my clothes were covered in blood and i got rotten flesh in places that couldnt even imagine.  Jake started to close the door and Phil started to drag me out of the pit and that is most of all that i remember because since Phil was so weak at the moment from seeing all of the blood he hit my head on one of the pipes that were just there. I woke up in my bed though so i guess they have a heart of some sort.......... i guess ill yell at them tomorrow for now my head is pounding and the bed feels like heaven. 

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