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  Noah stood inside his room that felt more like a cage. He hated it. Almost as much as he hated his life. His dad was a soldier in the new "war of the century," which is why he was in this cage now. His mom and he had been kidnapped so long ago, that Noah couldn't even remember how it had happened or when. He had had a somewhat happy life before all of this. Noah had Body Integrity Identity Disorder since he was a kid, so he tried to seriously hurt himself a lot. When he was eight, he gouged his own eyes out with a fork.
He didn't care that he was blind now. Part of him was actually happy that he was blind now, so they couldn't torture him with sights of his mom being tortured. Instead, they tortured him with music. Radio music, to be exact. Noah hated music so much, that just listening to it made his ears bleed. It was the fact that the volume was all the way up as loud as it could go that made him hate music
Noah was a fairly handsome 14-year-old. He had brown hair that didn't go in any general direction. He was rather tall and skinny because he was barely given any food by his captors. The only thing he was given to eat or drink was water poured in his hands and three slices of bread. He was forced to wear orange clothing and a blindfold that he found was unnecessary due to his blindness. He also had a gag when he wasn't eating and his hands were bound behind his back. Chains were fastened to his ankles, tying his feet together. He waited in his cage until he heard the man who delivered his torture walk in. Noah began to tremble slightly, waiting for the impending torture to begin. The man picked Noah up and sat him down in a chair, putting headphones on his head and turning on the usual radio station. He had an old radio with knobs and built with a headphone jack. The man laughed at the terrified boy, watching him tremble. Noah fell to the ground, shaking in fear. He looked as if he had just seen a ghost.
The man removed the headphones from Noah's head. Noah was sick of the torture. He was terrified, but also enraged. He wished that the man could feel this pain. This torture. Noah lay on the floor. If he had eyes, he would've cried himself to sleep. But he eventually fell asleep, shaking.
When Noah woke up, he heard yelling. He was being yelled at. By his captor. "Get up, it's time to eat!" his captor yelled. Noah yawned a bit, noticing his gag was removed so he could eat. He also noticed his hands were free and his feet as well. Noah smiled a bit, forming a plan in his mind. He just had to wait for the right moment. The man walked in to give Noah his food. He threw the food at Noah's feet. Noah leaped to his feet, too fast for the man to do anything to stop him. He right hooked his captor, catching him in the face, surprisingly accurate for a blind boy. The guard fell to the ground, unconscious. A wild kick of adrenaline raced through Noah. He felt like he was capable of anything. Noah raced out of his cage, shutting the door behind him. He ripped off the blindfold since felt constricting on his head. The first thing he noticed upon removing his blindfold was the fact that he could...,sense, in a way that was like seeing. He could sense glowing outlines of things and people. He could pinpoint things by sensing where they were based on some extrasensory feeling without even touching them. It was like they were radiating, like the headphones had seemed to when he was tortured with them. He had a feeling the radio torture had something to do with his new sight. He looked down and noticed a knife on the ground with his new extrasensory sight. A smirk tugged at his lips as he picked it up and touched it.
Noah walked past some other cage. He looked into it and saw a guard. Noah sneaked up to the guard and held the knife to his throat. "You give me the right answer, I might let you live," Noah muttered with a low, growling voice. "Where's my mother?" The guard looked at Noah with a hint of fear in his eyes. "We killed her...a while ago," he said. Noah slit the guard's throat with ease, not even flinching as he did so. "Wrong answer," he told the already lifeless guard as the body fell to the floor. He turned and walked away, hearing some guards running toward the hall. Noah went into the storage and shut the door behind him. He turned around to face the room and saw a radio. The boy laid his hand on it. The exact radio that had been the source of his torture. Rage filled Noah. He was overcome with the feeling of hatred and rage as he lifted the radio and hurled it at the ground, hearing it smash into pieces and the pieces scatter across the floor.
Noah looked at the pieces and plucked some circuits and the two dials from the shattered pieces. He cut the circuits into his eye sockets and then placed the dials in his eyes, which slid right into place perfectly in his sockets. Some of the circuits still stuck out and were shorting out a little. Noah couldn't explain why he did it; he just felt the need to. He left the storage room to find five guards running towards him down the hall. "Get him! Get the radio face kid!" they yelled. "Radioface?" Noah said to himself, confused. Then he laughed lightly at the name. "I like it." Noah ran over to one of the guards and jumped on him, stabbing him in the chest. Blood splattered his face and orange clothing. He took the gun from the guard's holster and fired it at the remaining guards, killing each of them with a single shot. After that, he ran until he found the front door. He burst out of the building, running away as he heard the angry, frantic shouts of guards chasing him. Noah kept running until his feet could run no more. Even then, he still kept going. Noah was free. He was free at last. And he was a completely new person......  

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