"You are my soulmate"

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His curly hair brushed up against my cheek as his arms slings around my waist snuggling in deeper.
Damn why did he have to be so cute?
I giggled and played with his hair watching his chest slowly fall in and out.
No lie Noah was gorgeous and seemingly so perfect it didn't seem real.
I kissed his head and in reply he kissed my collarbone.
"Morning babe." He mumbled in his raspy morning voice.
Immediately sending shivers down my body.
"Morning Noah." I caress his face as he links eyes with mine.
He looked exhausted.
I felt sorry for him sometimes, with the constant demands and work schedules he barely had time for himself..
or for me.

I don't want to sound selfish but there were times that I wish I didn't need to call him to tell him my problems but actually see him face to face.
Moments like these were the only intimate thing we had.
Apart from other things..

It was a slow, easy day nothing too manic because I knew Noah needed to relax.
"Thank you."
I turned around to see him shirtless leaning against the counter.
Currently I was cooking us dinner against countless times Noah said we could just order in but I wanted to do something for him.
"What for?" I raised my eyebrows.
He walks towards me and his head dips down to mine pressing his lips against my own. I hummed.
"For everything. I don't know how I got so lucky."
I blushed looking away from him resuming my cooking and he chuckled. He knew the effect he had on me. Apparently it made me even more sexier. I deny it all the time.

He left me to finish and the second I was done I called for him.
"Noah dinner's ready!"
No response.
"Oh my fucking god Noah where are you?" I shout.
Still no sound.
Just before I started to patrol the house I hear a knock.
My head whipped around, afraid.
Instinctively, I got one of the sharp blades from the drawer and held it tightly.
"Fuck fuck fuck."
Slowly I open the door, ready to tackle.

"Damn Y/N what the hell." Noah shrieks.
I drop the knife my heart beating fast.
"Noah! You scared the shit out of me."
I pull him to me wrapping my arm around his waist burying my head into chest.
"I'm sorry." He whispered kissing my forehead.

I pull away from him
"What were you doing?" I cross my arms.
He smirks and shrugs his shoulders.
He walks past me.
"Oh my god Noah. Tell me." I plead.
Noah chuckles and heads to the kitchen, I follow him.

"Why are you wrapping up the food?" I inquire trying to get a grasp of the plate.
He covers it with foil and puts it in a bag.
I'm left there watching his every move. He grabs some fruit and water not saying a word as he wanders around me getting everything he needed.

Sooner or later he looks satisfied and finally looks at me and he couldn't stop himself from laughing at my half irritated and half confused expression.
"God I love you." He says taking my hand and in the other, the bag he prepared.

In seconds we're out the door and he's leading me to the beach.
"Noah, whatever this is it better be good."
He gazes at me mesmerised by the sunset hitting my face and all he says was
"It will be."

Stunned. I see the view in front of me. And laid out was a beautiful picnic filled with roses and candles that he swiftly lit up.
I gasp and lay down beside him, his eye searching my face nervously.
"This is..." I couldn't even get words out.
I place my hand on his face.
"This is the most sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me."
His face lights up as he kisses my palm.
The horizon was a perfect pinky orange colour which shone on both of us.
I closed my eyes hearing the waves crash and I feel a hand intertwine with mine.
I open them and see Noah only inches apart.
"I love you Y/N. Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over."
Tears pricked my eyes hearing him say those words.
"And I'm so glad that our paths crossed because you made me a better man, you made me feel more alive than I've ever felt in my entire life. Y/N you are my soulmate."
My heart leaped out of my chest with what he did next.
He knelt down and pulled out a ring.
Instantly, I put my hand to my mouth not quite believing what was happening.

"Y/N  Y/M/N  Y/L/N will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"Yes Noah." I smile.
He places the ring on my finger shaking a little and he just stares at it breathing heavily.
I kneel down next to him bringing his face to meet mine.
Tears were falling down his face and so I kiss him with so much passion and love.
His hands instantly go to my hair as I wrap my arms around his neck.
We pull away gasping for breath and we just smile at each other.

"Noah, my heart is yours forever and always."

Noah Centineo ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now