Knuckles is fed up of the couples scene at the clubhouse and wants to get out and party, but then he meets a girl who changes everything. Does he risk betraying his club, his family for a girl he barely knows or will he do what ever it takes to prot...
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Riding my motorcycle one handed I speed down the highway, as I have been doing for hours. I turn off at the intersection and head for the small town, taking my hand away from me to pull the clutch I feel the blood pour from the gunshot wound. I can't hold out much longer until I pass out, it better be close. I find the sign for the garage and turn up the dirt track to the side of it, the place just looks like a normal house. I flick out the kick stand and try my best to stand without calling out in pain, I pull my helmet off, place it on the seat and head for the door
"Hi there, how can I... oh boy, come on in." The tall but slim woman says looking down at my stomach, I notice the scar on her cheek, but otherwise she looks like a typical suburban housewife. I follow her into her house and to the left, we go through a door and the large room in front of me looks just like any other hospital
"Pick a bed I'll get my kit." She says walking off, I sit down on the first bed and wince at the pain radiating from my stomach
"Ok, let's fix you up, what am I looking at? Gunshot? Stab wound?" She asks helping me out of my leather jacket
"Gunshot" I say and she nods
"Lie back and relax, I'm going to give you a sedative and then I'll have you fixed up." She smiles as she picks up a glass vial and a needle
"No, no sedative." I snap trying to sit up, but the pain stops me
"Ok, ok. You're safe here trust me, but this will hurt like a bitch if I don't sedate you." She says pushing me back down
"I can take it." I reply. She sighs and puts the needle down. She was right, it did hurt like a bitch as she pulled the bullet out, she's just finishing up stitching the wound when two guys come in, one being helped by the other
"Cece, can you take a look at Knuckles, dumb mother fucker dropped his bike."
"I'm telling you that fucking soccer mom bitch cut me off." The wounded man scowls
"Ok, sit him down, I'm nearly done here." She says without looking up
"Ok, you're all done.. um sorry I didn't catch your name, I'm Cordelia." I just nod and stand up, wincing again
"I'll give you some pain meds to take with you and antibiotics as a precaution." Cordelia says
"I have cash in my saddlebag, I'll be right back." I say as I walk towards the door
"Bring a change of clothes with you, there's a shower through there. Less questions get asked if you wear clothes without blood on them." She says pointing at my blood soaked jeans and tank top. I nod and walk off back to my motorcycle, grab a stack of cash and clean clothes before heading back inside. As I step into the hospital room I see the injured guy taking his top off, fuck, the solid muscles and the tattoos, suddenly my motorcycle isn't the only thing I want to ride. I drop the stack of cash on the bed I was lying on and Cordelia comes over
"They're for pain, they're for infection, here's some extra dressings, if it gets bad come back, still no questions asked." She says before walking back over to the other guy. I head through to the bathroom and take off my clothes, I look in the mirror and see the latest gunshot scar to add to my collection. I step under the hot water, the first shower I've had in nearly a week, and it relieves all my aches. I quickly wash my hair and soap down my body before stepping out and drying myself off. I braid my long blonde hair and pull on my clean panties, bra, jeans and tank top. I grab my boots and step out into the hospital room.
"Nice bike you got." The hot guy says
"Nice road rash you got." I reply looking at the raw skin on his left arm
"You got a name?" He asks smirking
"Yeah I do." I reply as I pick up my leather jacket, I try to put it on but clutch at my stomach
"Allow me" he says and suddenly he's behind me, his masculine scent surrounds me as he helps me into my leather jacket
"Thanks." I say as I turn back to face him, his black hair swept back away from his face, his deep green eyes and his long, trimmed black beard, he's got a face I could sit on.
"Knuckles, I'm Knuckles." He says looking down at me
"See you round Knuckles." I reply and grab my pills before walking out to my motorcycle. I put the pills in my saddle bag and grab my helmet, I see him looking at me through the window. I climb on my Harley Davidson Iron 883 and adjust so my stomach doesn't hurt then fire her up, I power slide a u-turn and speed off down the dirt track away from Knuckles.
I head back towards the town, I need to lay low while I heal and this little town is probably a good place to do that. They haven't seen me since Alabama so I'm probably safe for a few days.
I find a run down looking motel and pull up, pay for a few nights and head up to my room, with my saddle bags. I pull out the bloodied clothes and set to washing them in the tub, which looks dirtier than the clothes I've just put in it, but it will have to do. I lay them out to dry and head back into the bedroom, I'm going to need cash after my expensive visit to the clinic, I groan as I take off my jacket and boots, strip down to my tank and panties and lie down on the bed. I grab the pain meds and take a few before lying back and drifting off, I can rest for a few hours first.