Dearest Papa

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As my guardian now, Aizawa drove me to the police station for my first session of interrogation with my father. We walked in and just a few minutes later, we're led by someone into a back room where the tall police guy from yesterday is waiting.

He introduces himself as Captain Tanaka, before asking me to wait here a few moments before we begin. Standing here, I can tell there's a piece of soundproof glass on one wall, likely a two-way mirror. Is my dad on the other side?

I hear the Captain return, but another man walks up to him (I think it's the guy from yesterday who didn't seem to like me much). I guess I sort of feel bad for eavesdropping but, it's their fault for doing it anyway.

"Sir, are we sure we can trust her with her father?"

"Yes." I raise a faint eyebrow, surprised at his certainty and faith in me.

"But, she's his daughter!" The disgust is clear even in his hushed tones.


"And her quirk is teleportation, she could easily break him out!" the other man reasoned— it was really an unnecessary and blatantly obvious point— and being completely honest, he has every reason to distrust me. Having a quirk like mine nearby to any prisoner seems like a recipe for disaster.


It saddens me that even the captain thinks-

"Your point?" the captain asks.

"M-my point?"


Maybe I judged the captain a little quickly.

"My point is she's going to help her dad escape and we're letting her! She's a villain!"

Ok, no, I am not taking that lying down no way.

"I'd like to start by telling you I'm blind not deaf." Both men turn to me in shock as I glare at the guy who isn't the captain.
"Second: would you like to say all that to my face?" I feel like I'm digging myself a hole a little bit here. Bit late to backtrack though.
"And finally, if you wanted proof of the fact that I hold no care for my father and vice versa then go in there with a photo of me and ask him my name."

The man is pretty shocked by my reaction. His eyes are wide like a deer caught in the harsh glare of a truck's headlights.

"I dare you." I add.

The captain chuckles heartily, "I believe you've been issued a challenge Detective Takahashi."

The aforementioned detective puffs his chest, taking some paper from a file which I can only assume is a picture of me, and goes out the door on the far side of the room. I hear his annoying, nasally voice through the speakers as he slides the paper across the table and asks: "Who is she?"

I guess my dad probably looks at the page, smiling proudly and creepy as ever, "My daughter, my greatest creation. Is it here now?" he answers excitedly, likely staring hungrily at the glass to his side.

I hear the detective shift in his seat as his real question goes unanswered, "What is her name?"

Part of me doesn't even want to hear his response, "Why its name is 1-7-2 of course! Now is it here, or not?"

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