#2 He asks you out on a date

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"So what are you doing Friday night?" Ashton said through the phone, you two had been nonstop texting and calling each other all week.

"Nothing so far, why?" you asked, already knowing the answer.

"Well I was wondering if a certain gorgeous girl would like to go on a date with a certain drummer?" Ashton laughed through the phone.

"Oh my god of course I would, I've been waiting for you to ask." you blushed.

"I'm just so happy that I get to take you out (y/n)" Ashton said making you blush again.


"I'm gonna go get some snacks, Mike you want anything?" your brother asked and Michael shook his head no, concentrating on his video game.

"(Y/n) you want anything?" he turned to you.

"Can you make me a Nutella sandwich?" you asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine.." your brother groaned, leaving the room.

"Whiny much?" you mumbled under your breath making Michael laugh.

"Ya know (y/n)," Michael said pausing his video game, "you're absolutely stunning." He smirked.

"That's hilarious." You snorted, scrolling through your twitter feed.

"No really, I'd love to ask you out." Michael shrugged, playing his game again.

"Then do it." you smirked, biting your lip.

Michael opened his mouth to say something just as your brother walked back in, plates in his hands.

"Did I miss something?" he asked, looking at you and Michael weirdly.


You were walking through the mall with a group of your friends, enjoying your time with them.

"So (y/n) what's going on with you and Hood?" one of your friends giggled.

"Nothing...." you blushed, taking a sip from your drink that you got a couple minutes ago.

"Come on (y/n) we all know that that's not nothing. We see how you two look at each other in class." another one of your friends said.

"(Y/n)?" You heard Calum say from the shop that you and your friends were passing.

"Hey Cal!" you smiled, him pulling you into a hug, you hugged him back.

Ashton nudged his arm, making Calum blush.

"So (y/n) I was wondering if you would wanna go out with me sometime?" Calum said, looking down.

"Yeah, totally, call me later." you smiled, waving bye to Calum and turning back to your shocked friends.


"So we're gonna be writing a song for the first three weeks of class, and I've already picked your partners." the music teacher said, causing everybody to groan.

"My first group is Jen and Calum." She said, calling your best friend, making you frown.

"The next group is (y/n) and Luke." she said, you getting up to meet Luke at the front of the room.

"So (y/n) maybe we can meet up later to work on our song?" Like said nonchalantly.

"Are you asking me on a date, Hemmings?" you joked, laughing and putting your name on the paper.

"What if I was?" he said, making you blush.

"Then I'd say yes" you said, making his eyes light up.

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