Chapter 30 - Richard

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We follow the policeman into a room, it is very plain with a single desk, three chairs one side of the desk and another big chair on the opposite side. There is a small computer screen where I can see different CCTV forages all playing at once in a small square each. But I cannot see any of a train.

"Take a seat, we have found some footage of you on the train and we do not believe that this man has been involved in any criminal offences before but we cannot be sure because some key features are not shown." The policeman says.

"Would it be possible for us to see the footage?" Brad asks.

"You can if you want but I'm not sure how much use it shall be"

"Ok, I'd like to see it then please."

"Coming right up" The policeman says before tapping at the computer until I can see the familiar image of a tube"

We watch it and sure enough they have the right guy. I look over at Brad who's expression is hard to read.

"Oh my god" Brad says, he sounds panicked.

"What is it sir?" The policeman asks.

"I know who he is, it's Richard Ramsey, he used to work at my secondary school and then he suddenly left and the teachers just said that he had found a better job elsewhere that paid more money"

"Ok, and which school did you attend?"

"Fairfex in Birmingham"

"I see, and how long ago did this man leave the school"

"About 4 years ago"

"Ok thank you, I shall investigate this man and see if the two match up. I you don't mind waiting here, I shan't be too long"

"Thank you"

I can't believe it, Brad's old teacher is stalking me! I do hope that Brad has the right man because then it shall be easier to track him down.


It has been a few hours now and we still haven't seen any sign of the policeman. We are beginning to get very bored and I just want to know if my stalker is in fact Richard Ramsey. I need to know who he is and why he has done this.

I see the policeman finally walk through the door. He has an A4 piece of paper in his hand. I hope that it is confirmation.

"I apologise for leaving you for so long, it took a while longer than I initially thought because Richard Ramsey has now changed his name to Richard Guernsey but I managed to find his files, criminal record and a picture and I can confirm that he has had previous convictions of trafficking overseas and that I do believe that it is the same man." Trafficking?!

"What do you mean trafficking?" I ask, I don't know if I really want to know the answer but I think I know already.

"Sex trafficking with younger girls, and I have reason to believe that Richard was planning on doing the same to you"

"Oh my god, can you get hold of him? He can't just do this" I am almost screaming, I can't believe that I gave my personal details to a sex trafficker!

"We are investigating his whereabouts now, it should be fairly easy so long as he doesn't realise that we are on to him" Thank god.

"Do you know how long it shall take?"

"Honestly, not a clue. We have a fair amount of CCTV of him that we have found that should hopefully guide us to his home or other places he is linked to"

"Ok, we'll is there any more that we can do?" I hear Brad say.

"Not really, we have people investigating this as we speak but one thing that is worrying me is that Richard knows where Dani and her mum live"

"They can come and live with me, explain to your mum what has happened. I have plenty of spare rooms for you"

"Would you do that for me?" I could never have asked for a better boyfriend.

"Of course, now I think we have some explaining to do to your mum"

"We sure do, are we able to go home now?" I ask the policeman.

"Yes, if anything new happens I shall be in immediate contact and please, don't talk to anymore strange men" He says half heartedly

"I won't do, don't worry. Thanks for your help"

"You're welcome. Goodbye"


And we walk out. I am so glad that we know who he is and hopefully we shall be able to catch him soon. I am not looking forward to telling my mum though.


I am 200 off 1K reads! It's crazy!! Thank you so much for still reading I appreciate it so much.

I hope you are still enjoying it, my twitter account has been suspended because I kept saying happy birthday to Brad and it told me that I was spamming him! If there is anything you can do to in suspend the account please could someone tell me because I have no idea.


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