Chapter One

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Charles pulled his coat around him tighter as he walked quickly through the snowy streets. His regular coffee run was about to be over, and he couldn't stand the thought of staying out in the icy weather any longer. As usual, the shop was nearly empty. The bell rang as Charles opened the door and he stepped inside the warm cafe quickly.

"Charles is here. Again!" Alex yelled at the back of the shop.

"Good morning to you as well, Summers," Charles replied as he walked towards the counter.

"Man, I wish it was summer," Sean said as he made his way over to where Charles was waiting, "This snow is killing me."

"Usual? Or something different. We just got in this coffee from uh... I forgot."

"I'll take my regular, thanks."

Charles turned when he heard the bell ring. A man he'd never seen before was closing the door behind him and brushing the snow out of his hair. Charles looked away when their eyes met and moved over to the side while he waited for Alex to get done making his coffee.

"How can I help you?" He heard Sean ask the man.

"Medium coffee, black with two sugars."

Charles turned slightly towards the man when he noticed the accent. What was it? Something from around Germany?

"You're not from around here," Alex commented as he handed Charles his coffee.

"Just moved here."

"Cool," Sean replied as Alex retreated to the back to make the newcomer's coffee.

When the man started to walk off towards a table Sean reached over the counter and grabbed the back of his jacket. Immediately the man turned and swatted Sean's hand away.

"Sorry," he apologized quickly at the glare the man gave him, "I just needed a name to put on the coffee cup."

Charles smiled slightly as Sean held up one of the cups and a sharpie. The man studied him for a second and nodded. Leave it to Sean to piss off a new customer. If Moira were here, she would've killed him.


That said, Charles watched as the man took a seat near the door. With a smile he turned back around to see Sean still standing there, shocked look on his face. Charles cleared his throat and nudged his young friend.

"That was terrifying," he finally said as he scrawled the man's name on the coffee cup.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Charles told Sean as he buttoned his jacket back up, preparing himself to head out into the snow again.

"Actually, Logan is covering for me tomorrow, so you'll see him."

"Bye, Alex," Charles called over his shoulder.

"Hey wait! Are you gonna tutor me in Biology or not? I really need the help!"

Charles paused by the door, pretending not to notice that the foreign man was staring at him, and glanced at Alex over his shoulder. The pleading look the young man was giving him made up for the obnoxious attitude that he seemed to pick up whenever Charles walked in.

"Yes, alright. Stop by my house tomorrow after your shift is over."

"See ya!" Sean called as Charles stepped back outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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