Runnin' Home To You

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So, I've been gone for a long time off of here, on account of depression, anxiety, therapy, and just general adult life things. I'm really sorry for that, however when I heard this song I couldn't not write for Kurtbastian, which is a ship I haven't used yet. I don't own the music or the characters. 

This has been heavily edited with the help of JWMelmoth! The song used is Runnin' Home To You by Grant Gustin. 

There were times where Sebastian had no idea how Kurt had managed to trick him into dating him, or how he had tricked him into dating at all. He supposed it had to do with the way Kurt's eyes fucking sparkled when he had clearly won. Or maybe it was the way his teeth just peeked out from behind his top lip when he grinned. No, it had to be how he looked in the morning after they'd had particularly vigorous, rough sex; all fucked out and soft, very well-sated if Sebastian had anything to say about it. It was probably all of these combined.

But what topped it all was the way Kurt had found it in himself to forgive Sebastian for everything that had happened; the way Kurt had peered into what was left of his soul. The way he had taken that piece of Sebastian's soul and nurtured it, brought it back to life, and made him feel like he could be worth something.

Fuck, the way Kurt looked at him sometimes drove him insane. It was a blessing and a curse to have Kurt Hummel look at you with those eyes. Sometimes, they contained a tsunami - God help the poor person that faced the cold grey eyes he could sometimes have! That meant someone was about to face Kurt's wrath- you had hurt someone he loved, and you needed to run or you would wind up at the bottom of a lake where no one would find you. Either that- or Sebastian was about to get laid.

Then there was the ethereal, almost seafoam green they would turn when Kurt was completely at ease. These eyes were his favourite, they made him feel safer than almost anything in the entire world. They warmed him from the inside out and made him feel like everything was right with the world. He had more than he could ever have hoped for.

Kurt loved him for all he was, faults included.

They both had many flaws, ones they knew intimately. Kurt had definitely gotten further along in that process and faster than Sebastian had, which was to be expected.

Kurt had his father, who was as a supportive as he could be, especially being born and raised in Lima, Ohio. Sebastian supposed Kurt also had Carole, and Finn when the oaf wasn't busy trying to suck the she-hobbit's lungs out through her scary flotation devices she likes to call lips.

Santana and Britt could be counted as well, after all, Kurt took 'Lady Lips' as a compliment when it came from her. She was one of a kind, and the only one who could turn an insult of that calibre into an endearment. The one (and only, trust him, even Sebastian wasn't moronic enough to try again) time he'd heard it used, he'd snickered and repeated the name when he had seen Kurt again later that day - a very bad idea. He was still scarred for life. After that, whenever Sebastian even made a slight comment about Kurt being too feminine, all his boyfriend had to do was give him a look, raise his perfectly shaped eyebrow, and Sebastian's mouth would immediately snap shut.

That was not to say that he and Kurt never fought, in fact, they squabbled like an elderly couple in their 50th year of marriage.

They both gave as good as they got and people often retreated as soon as the two of them got started. It made Sebastian grin like a maniac to know he had that much power when it came to his scathing wit. Kurt too felt a little bit of a thrill when he realized just how much his and Sebastian's banter impacted the people around them. To them, it acted as an impressive, albeit intense, bout of foreplay. Thinking back on it, they had come to realize they'd liked the banter, the heat it brought to the table, even back in high school where everything had gone to shit.

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