We Were Meant To Be (A Complete Mess)

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Hey! This has been heavily edited with the help of JWMelmoth! If you don't know who she is you should go look her up, she's great!

Describing Kurt's re-connection with one Sebastian Smythe as 'a surprise' would be a vast understatement. Kurt would like to say he was civil about it, that he was the bigger person, but he'd definitely be lying.


It happened on a cliché Friday night. Kurt had been out with friends from work, when out of the corner of his eye, he'd seen a familiar face. One with bad memories attached to it. Instead of ignoring it, you know, like most people would have, Kurt walked up and insulted him immediately.

The man squawked (resembling a pterodactyl). The squawk was followed by a spray of whatever Sebastian's friends were drinking, a roar of laughter from his friends, and some choking on Sebastian's part.

Kurt's eyes widened and he put the empty glass down immediately. He started flapping his hands around before blurting out: "Fuck, please don't die, I'm really sorry."

This only succeeded in making Sebastian's friends laugh harder, but they immediately stopped at the sight of Kurt's patented bitch stare. Even Sebastian had stopped choking, finally, to look at Kurt in awe.

That hadn't been a very good moment for Kurt at all, despite the joy he got out of frightening the other men. Kurt felt, without a doubt, that he was possibly the worst human being in existence.

"That was an asshole move, I'm not going to lie," Sebastian wheezed, hand dramatically splayed across his chest. "I always figured I'd be the one unable to contain myself in your presence."

Kurt flushed and moved his hand to rub the back of his neck in embarrassment. "To be completely honest, I thought so too," he admitted.

This caused Sebastian to break out the brightest grin Kurt had ever seen, and he'd been around Finn Hudson. The laugh that rang through was magnificently bright, and incredibly attractive, (not that Kurt would ever tell him that). The guy's ego was already too large for his body, imagine if Kurt of all people complimented him.


Sebastian could safely say that Kurt's greeting had been a shock, (a very wet one), not to mention a defining moment in what would prove to be a very interesting friendship. It was definitely the highlight of his week, apart from the violent choking and his friends subsequent thundering laughter at his expense. It was well worth it to see them shut up by the patented Hummel Bitch Stare.

Sebastian himself had been on the receiving end of that stare more than he'd ever care to admit. Thinking about it sent a little thrill down his spine. Feisty Kurt was his favourite Kurt, after all. (On a side note: since when had he started calling him Kurt instead of 'Hummel' or 'Betty White'? Whatever, the point was that Kurt was in front of him apologizing and flailing in an awkward way.)

Sebastian managed to wheeze out a response, with which Kurt agreed, and wasn't that just weird? Kurt agreeing with anything he had to say - Sebastian would hold it against him for the foreseeable future.

"So where's Blaine? I thought you two would have been well on your way to being happily married by now?" Sebastian asked, clearing his throat for the last time.

If Sebastian was the same person he had been in high school, watching Kurt's face crumple would have made his world a much better place. However, Sebastian had turned over a new leaf, and now it just made him kinda uncomfortable and something else he didn't want to name. (Guilt, it was guilt, which was gross.) Shit, he shouldn't have asked, because the other man looked he was about to cry violently, or maybe punch someone. Sebastian hoped it wasn't him.

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