I woke up missing him

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I woke up with the biggest smile on my face. It had been about a week since me and Andy kissed for real for the first time .I haven't been this happy in along time. I woke up missing him. I got up and ran in the living room Andy and Mikey both were still asleep. I walked over to Andy and kissed all over his face until I got to his lips and repeated until I felt his lips moving with mine. I climbed on top of him straddling him feeling every inch of his arms before he pushed me away.

" enough" he said setting up

" come with me" I said smiling at him he gave me a half smile

" where are we going" he said I pecked he lips

" anywhere" I said
We got dressed and headed out just me and him.
We were setting at some restaurant Andy picked for breakfast when I realized something

" hey you know what I just realized" I said Andy looked up from the menu looking me in the eyes

" I realized I went on a list of all the things I found attractive about you and you haven't said one thing you found attractive about me" I said which made Andy laugh

"What you want a list" he asked still kinda laughing

"Yes I do" I said his face changed when he realized I was serious he looked around

" you want one now" he asked I nodded he sat there for a second the smiled

"Your smile,it's probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I wish you did it more. You eyes have this gold flakes threw out them I could stair at them for hours.You abs...OH MY GOD YOU ABS. It's unnatural for someone to look that hot.I could go in for hours but I think you will get to big of a head" he said smiling I just sat there blown away.

" what" Andy said looking worried. I leaned over and kissed him.when I pulled away I said

" no one in my whole life has ever said things  like that to me I get your hot but no one ever-" I was saying as I stopped my self by kissing him. He smiled at me and I laid my head on his shoulder we sat there tell are food arrived.
After breakfast so we decided to go on a hike we were walking down this beautiful Cliff singing And holding hands looking at these waterfalls that everyone said were in credible but I don't think they compared to  Andy I can keep my eyes off of him which made Andy blush.

                               Andy POV
He kept staring at me which made me blush. I have liked Rye since the day I meet him, but for a long time he would have a different girl in his room every night. To say he was a man whore would be an understatement and none of them ever mattered to him. He came out as bi to me first and I was so happy but by the time he told everyone else I'd probably seen with five other guys and I've told myself this then not to fall for his lines but it seems deferent this time maybe his deferent.
I was thinking about this when I felt Rye arms rap around me from behind kissing the back of my neck

"what are looking at" he said

" this beautiful waterfalls" I said facing him he smiled and kissing my lips then sighed

" we should head home" he said losing his grip around me

" your right come on" I said
We walked back to the car hold hands. The whole ride home we talked about random things. To say is was a perfect would be an understatement.
                                      Rye POV
We walked in the door the boys greatest us saying that there was a party we are going to on Friday to produce are tour. I looked over Andy he looked so happy.
" hey I'll be right back I told my brothers I would call them" i said stepping out side and dialing the number
Riiiiiing.     Riiiiiiiing       Riiiiing      Riiiiing
" hey you've reach Harvey sorry I can't answer the phone-" I hung up sighing
" shit" I said

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