Why did you make the bet

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I woke up and saw Andy asleep on my chest. We apparently feel asleep we both hadn't been sleeping good. I know that him not sleeping good is because of me because of how awful of a person I am. I hate my self I wish I could just die. His life would be better no one would miss me no one would care-

" hey" Andy said setting up which made me snap out of my thoughts. He turned to look at me smiling but it soon fated when he looked at my face. He put his hand on my face wiping away my tears. Apparently I was crying and I didn't know.

" why are you crying" he said with concern in his voice

" I just ruined everything" I started as I felt more tears run down my face

"I- I don't deserve to live anymore" I said Andy grabbed my face wiping away my tears and making me look him in the eyes


" if you take my first love away from me I will never forgive you! Promise me you won't" he said I just sat there staring at him

" PROMISE" he screamed with tears now coming down his face
I nodded which made him give me a hug.I felt so safe holding him. I never wanted it to end but of course it did because of are stupid friends who came running in because they heard Andy screaming

" are y'all okay" brook asked then saw that we were hugging and froze with all the others. Andy stood up and smiled

" yeah we were just goofing off" he said then walked away I knew he was saying that so they wouldn't know what we were talking about, but I wish he hadn't walked away now I missed his warmth of his body. His breath on my neck. I missed every inch of him. I stood up and gave the boys a bad look and walked away.
       We all decided to watch a movie in my room tonight so we got snacks and drinks and pizza.

" Jack and I will sit on the pull out... Do you want to sit in bed with Mikey or rye"brook asked Andy. Andy looked at me then smiled

" I'll sit with Ryan" Andy said everyone looked at him he smiled and went and sat on my bed

" that's your opening" Mikey whispered. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the bed and sat by Andy he smiled at me. Soon after the movie started we had slid down under the blankets of my bed. Andy started laughing about something the main character did when he did I grabbed his hand hushing him with my other hand. He stopped the moment I touched his hand and looked at are hands the were intertwined.

" sorry" I said letting go of his hand he parted his lips like he was gonna say something but he just sighed then looked back at the movie.

A little later Mikey mouthed make a move to me. I sighed and shook my head. I moved over a little which made me touch hand with Andy. He jumped a little when he felt my hand but didn't yank his hand away. I took my pinky finger and started rubbing his hand. I felt him move his hand and I thought he was gonna take it away from me but instead he turned my hand facing it up then he intertwining are fingers I felt my checks heat up. We both started to rubbing each other hands. I was sad when the movie ended because Andy let go of my hand and stood up off the bed stretching.
He looked at me, he seemed to notice that it made me smile which made him smile

" why don't we watch another movie" Andy asked

" if we do that we are gonna end up all falling asleep" Brook said

" I'm okay with y'all staying in are room" I said and Mikey nodded. Andy looked a little worried

" I mean if y'all don't mind" I said staring at Andy everyone in the had realized that this conversation was really just about me and Andy now. They all were quit and staring me in the eyes

"O-okay le-let's stay he-here"Andy stuttered
Andy climbed back into the bed... but was all the way over to the other side of the bed. I wanted to scoot over to him but I knew it needed to be his choice.
I soon felt his body heat as he slowly made his way over to me I soon felt his breath I turned to him. To see him staring at me I turned facing him

" why did you make the bet" Andy asked

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