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Ryes POV

I woke up really not wanting to go out in the living room. Andy's best friend in the whole world named Emma is here. She lives 10 hours away so he doesn't get to see her very often. So as a surprise she same yesterday and is staying tell after tour.

Which is great for him.The only problem is she hates me.She says I'm the devil,that I'm a horrible friend to Andy...Can't wait to tell her we are dating. She loves Brook she always said that she wished him and Andy would date even though he's with Jack which pissed Jack off but now he loves her.EvErY OnE LoVeS HeR!

And she hates me more and more every time she is here she tells me how much she does.She was here when I came out and Andy said that I wasn't his type for the first time I still think she had something to do with that.

I finally decided to go out into the living room. I walked out to see everyone smiling and laughing when Emma saw me she frowned

" oh good he's up" she said sarcastically

" yeah I'm am" I said walking into the kitchen and started to make a cup of tea. Andy stood up and walked into the kitchen.

" I'm sorry" he whispered I looked at him smiling. I
knew he felt bad but it wasn't his fault.

" hey Andy we should go get some breakfast" Emma said walking into the kitchen

" that sounds fun we can all go" he said looking at me

" uh okay" she said fake smiling

We decided to go to a restaurant for lunch we were sitting down reading the menus as Emma went on and on about this guy she wanted to set him up with the whole time he looked at me with sadness on his face.

"I can't go on a date with him" Andy said firmly

" why not" she asked confused he sat there for a second then sighed

" because I have a boyfriend" he said her face was covered with surprise

" what Andy that's awesome!!" She smiled

" what's his name" she said she looked so happy for him. He looked at me shaking a little

" will his name is... Rye" he said kinda whispering her smile slept down her face as a frown appeared she starred at him for a few minutes everyone completely quiet. She finally looked over at me and sighed.

" Rye may I speak to you outside for a minute" she said standing up I realized I didn't have a choice I nodded and walked outside before I could say anything she said.

" do you want to know why I don't like you" she said crossing her arms I've wondered this for years now I couldn't nod fast enough.

" because Andy liked you from the moment he met you. You use to play with his emotions saying how much you loved him you would kiss his lips and make him feel like he was the only person in the world and then you would go sleep with a girl and say he was gay and how bad that was.Making fun of him all the time.You made him cry all the time. Then you came out as bi and he called me so excited so I came to see him and had to watch him shatter into thousands of pieces when you slept with guy after guy. That's why I told him to say you weren't his type so he finally would get over you and now your pulling him back in making him think he matters when you just gonna turn around and break his heart." She said she went to walk back in but I grabbed her arm

" let me explain" I said she looked like she would rather listen to anything else but finally nodded.

" Andy is how I found out I was bi I had feelings for him and I was trying to do anything to get rid of them. So I slept with all those girl only making thing harder to deny how much I liked him so I came out as bi to him, but I was worried that I didn't have enough experience for him to be with me so I slept with those guys so he would like me... I know it's stupid but I just wanted him to like me. When he told me that I wasn't his type it broke my heart. So getting to be with him now means the world to me... I.... Love...... him...." I said scared that she would tell him. She stood there for a second then sighed

"Do you really love him" she said I looked into her eyes

" more then you could imagine" I said she got into my face

" I swear if you hurt him I will kill you" she said then smiled wrapping her arm around me

" I guess we should try to get along" she said

" it shouldn't be that hard I actually think your really cool"she said walking to the door I just laughed at her things might actually work out.

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