Self Worth

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Pain shot through her back where she had been stabbed and a bright light caused her to flinch only to find that she had a problem moving. Rangiku slowly opened her eyes to see above her bright lights. Taking a deep breath she could feel the cold, wet clothes plastered to her body, her breath coming in a raspy manner.

She heard the sound of someone putting on plastic gloves and tried turning her head towards the sound only to find this impossible. The two people around her leaned over and she found herself looking up at the faces of the ninth and fifth division captains. "Why..."

"Why?" Aizen spoke in a rather candid manner. "I don't owe you an explanation Matsumoto Rangiku."

The man then reached up and grabbed the front of her clothing and pulled the wet uniform away from her skin and exposing her body to the elements. A shiver ran down her spine as he continued to remove her clothing. Her eyes snapped shut and tears ran down her cheeks. "I thought... I thought the captain was different then this. I must be having a bad dream. That's why things are going on the way they are."

The next thing she knew he was carefully exploring her body with gloved hands starting with her mouth. "Did you know when a person buys a horse they examine the mouth to determine overall health?"

He let go of her mouth. "You are wanting me to respond?"

"Of course. This wouldn't be fun for me unless you did."

"You wouldn't be talking about me in such terms unless you're planning on treating me like a slave."

"Good girl." The man moved one hand to examine her arms from the finger tips to the shoulder joint before moving onto her chest area. She sighed a sigh of relief when he was finished only to suddenly feel him do something inappropriate.

"Please... stop." A whimper escaped her mouth.

"Didn't I make it clear that... you... are... a... slave." He continued to examine her, touching her in what was an obviously sexual manner. "And you should realize by now that this is no dream Matsumoto Rangiku."

Instead she choose to block out the experience and let him finish his examination wishing that she was instead dealing with Unohana. The man finished. "I see you're not a virgin."

Rangiku's eye's went wide, the truth that she thought only those who examined her in the forth division knew. "He'll tell Gin."

The man paused. "I take it from your reaction that Gin doesn't know?" The woman swallowed, wishing she could sit up or even curl up into a ball. "He doesn't know, does he? He doesn't know that you're a whore, does he?"

Rangiku opened her mouth, the tears coming down her cheeks. "I don't want him to know."

"Perhaps we should get her into warm clothing. The place is cold and if shes' not taken care of she will become ill and there won't be a point to us taking her."

"Go and get some clothing for her. I wish to continue speaking with her." Tosen's footsteps could be heard going away. "This is a secret you've been hiding from him, hasn't it? What would he do if he knew? Chances are... knowing him, he would reject you."

Footsteps came back and Tosen helped her into fresh clothing before moving her into a cage like area for her to remain, shutting to door behind her. She found herself left then in the darkness.


The man left her alone, letting her become hungry and her stomach growling for food. He came back this time without Tosen and shoved the food towards her. "He knows that I have you. Of course, he's also been working for me for some time. We have a great deal of trust you could say."

Rangiku felt herself freeze suddenly. "I'm not going to let you wear me down."

"Yes... but you also don't want Gin-kun to know about your past."

"It's not as if I remember my own past. I just know..." The woman looked away. "I know I was with someone, that I had at least one child and that my past was bad. The conclusion anyone would come to is that I was a prostitute."

"I could tell him at any point you know, but if you obey me nothing will happen. Simple as that."

"If you want me to turn on Soul Society then the answer is no."

"I was thinking more along the lines of you becoming my lover, bearing my child or... well, what ever a slave is expected to do. Or a prisoner of war, which ever you approve. It's not as if Gin isn't aware of the fact I can do as I please with you."


"Why? Because you're his heart and I was worried that may make him falter. I've groomed him too much to loose him because of some whim of the heart." The man reached forward and grabbed her head.

Rangiku closed her eyes. "I've had a chance to think while you left me here. My taicho knows where I am, so eventually he will find me."

"Why then did you end up in my trap?" Aizen narrowed his eyes at the female. "No one is going to come looking for you here. You've been labeled as dead. Gin... he knows that you aren't dead but he has no way of knowing how to find you."

The female narrowed her eyes. "Gin will find me."

"Because he loves you? Don't you remember him hesitating when you brought up the subject of having a family?" Aizen smirked at the woman. "You've been pretending to keep yourself for a man who has already given himself to someone. I'll let you think and ponder about what I just said."

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