welcome to the shit show!!

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Above art is not mine. Btw, they will also involve Gamzee, ghb, and kurloz in the show so sorry if it seems weird.

Reader's P.O.V.
Another day in hell waking up to the same pattern as every day. My jaw still hurts from my father's "customer". I can't claim him though, his mind snapped after my mother passed away, leaving us behind. I can't remember much about her but I know she was pure and kind, the opposite of my father. After I get dressed I quickly leave the house before he can wake up. As I walk I view my surroundings, it's summer and schools out of session so I have nothing better to do. I see both humans and trolls walking the streets. Trolls have been on this planet for quite a while now since their planet is destroyed from war and meteoroids. The trolls are much larger and stronger than humans which is intimidating but that's just how it is. The smallest trolls, the "mutant bloods" as they call them, are at least a head taller than the tallest human. As I'm lost in thought I'm snapped back to reality after falling down onto my tooshie due to bumping into a reeeeeaally large troll. They look down at me, I can see they have long hair, are female, and has an axe with troll blood on it! They reach down towards me but I tense up and shiver I fear. "I-i-i'm s-s-s-so-orry..." I whimper out, terror lacing my words as I stutter at a almost inhuman rate. "Careful, Chahut. Their scared." Says two voices. Looking to the side of the troll known as Chahut I see two twin trolls with masks with a happy face and a sad one on. "WhAt ThE hElL iS gOiNg On My FrIeNdS?" Comes a raspy deep voice. Turning my head a little I see a troll with a Capricorn shirt and polka dot pants with face paint. "ThAt'S wHaT i'D lIkE tO kNoW!!!!" I flinch at the booming voice, the owner of said voice makes me start crying in fear, he's the most muscular and tallest troll I have ever seen in my entire life. Then I'm pushed onto my side by another troll with painted horns and face, jumping around excitedly very, his eyes as wide as a mental institute patient on caffeine. "ARE YOU A HUMAN? YOUR DEFINITELY A HUMAN! YOU SEEM COOL. DO YOU LIKE FAYGO? YOU PROBABLY DO. YOU SHOULD JOIN IS IN OUR PRACTICE!! YOU WANT TO? OK, LET'S GO!!!!" My head spins as the hyper clown pulls me into a humongous circus tent. luckily he soon releases his grip as he bounds to meet two other trolls. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn to see the trolls from earlier looking at me curiously. "What's your name lil' one?" Says, Chahut. "(Y-Y/N)" I stutter out finding it hard to find my words. "Nice to meet you." She says, shaking my hand lightly ad though she would break it if she wasn't careful. "N-nice to meet y-you too." I shakily say, returning the greeting. "YoU sEeM mOtHeRfUcKiNg AlRiGhT lIl' SiS." Says man with the Capricorn shirt. "mY nAmEs GaMzEe MoThErFuCkInG mAkArA." "I-i'm (Y/N)." I respond to him. "HmM, tHaT's An Ok NaMe MoThErFuCkEr." Booms the extremely tall troll that's so scary I think I'm going to pass out. "T-t-thank y-you sir." I stutter out in distress. "YoU cAn CaLl Me NaShIr, NaShIr MaKaRa." He tells me eagerly. "And we're," the two twins begin. "Barzum" says, the shyer one. "And Baizli!" Says the more outgoing one. "H-hi." "Don't mind that guy who dragged you in, he's always too hyper." Says Chahut. "Who is he?" I ask. "Exactly, no one knows his name, he never got one." That's sad! "Then I'll just call him whom'st." I say cheerfully. They all look at each other amused, causing a confused glance from me. "So, this is the girl?" Comes a voice from behind me. Turning around I come face to knee, looking up I see a tall man with a top hat and his muscular chest showing a bit. "YEP!!!" Says Whom'st. I look at the troll next to him. He's wearing a skeletal outfit with purple shorts. He signs to me. "Nice to meet you, I'm Kurloz." "Nice to meet you Kurloz, I'm (Y/N)" "(Y/N), hmm? That's a pretty name." Says the tall man with a top hat. "Oh! Where are my manners! My name's Marvus, Marvus Xoloto." He tells me bending down to grab my hand and kissing the top of it, holding it gently, like I was a princess. "N-nice to meet you Mr.Xoloto s-sir." I stutter, blushing from the act. He humms contently at my reaction, seemingly pleased. "CAN WE KEEP HER?!?! PLEEEEEASE!!!!????" Begs Whom'st, clinging to my leg. "I'm afraid not. She's a free woman, she can't be owned by anyone." Marvus says watching as Whom'st pouts and climbs up onto his head. "Come by anytime my dear, we would love to get to know you more." "M-maybe I can come back tomorrow? T-that is if your ok with it!" I say in a flustered frenzy. "We'd love that!!" They all yell in unison. I giggle as I wave goodbye to my new friends. They seem interesting enough. Now... Back to the hell hole.... I whimper, shaking slightly as I slowly make my way back 'home'. "Where have you been?!?!?!!!!!!" Screeches my father as I walk through the door. He smashes a beer bottle on the counter making me flinch. "I-I was just t-t-taking a w-wa-" I'm interrupted by a backhand to the face. "Shut up with your damn excuses!! We have another customer, he's waiting in your room." He says, scoffing at me as I dizzily get up. "Don't fuck up you little bitch." Fuck you too dad.

(A/N)- hey guys, so I made this story, don't expect quick updates please. I'm already struggling. Thanks for reading this chapter. See ya in the next. Bye bye!

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