Welcome back, doll~

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I wake up groggily to the alarm going off loudly. I was barely able to escape the customer's request last night. I'm tired of this I wish that father would just die already. Speaking of said father he comes marching into my room, cash in hand, yelling in my face to get up because today's a busy day. I cringe at these words. "There's a group of men waiting for you, they want extra fun. Don't. Fuck. Up." He spits. I nod, shaking in fear. I need to escape. I HAVE to escape. I quickly block and lock my door, stuffing my belongings into a suitcase and maneuvering myself to hop out the window. I land on the ground with slight light headedness but am quick to start sprinting in a random direction.

~time skip brought to you by: MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLeS~

I've been running for over an hour, stopping I bend down breathing heavily in an attempt to catch my breathe. My breathing stops when I feel a large hand grab my shoulder. "You ok there doll face?" I turn at the familiar voice. Marvus. I tear up at the sight of him, just happy to see someone who shows the slightest bit of kindness towards me. "Hey now, no tears. None of that." He shushes me as he gently whiles away my tears. "I-i-" he cuts me off with a hug which I great fully return. "It's ok, what happened? Why the long face?" He asks in pure concern, guiding me to the circus tent. Once inside he sets me on the edge of the stand in the middle of the ring. "I-I can't! I j-just can't! I don't want those men to touch me anymore!! Why can't f-father stop being so greedy?! Why does no one care? W-why'd mom have to die? I always barely get away with my last purity but I'm scared they'll take it from me! I don't want to be touched.... I don't want to be in that horrid 'home' anymore..." I sob, pouring out my soul to this man, this man I only met yesterday. I'm pathetic... He grabs me up into a tight hug, shushing me as he rubs gentle circles on my back in an attempt to comfort me. "It's ok. I won't let them. I'll protect you." He coos gently. "Y-you will?" I ask, looking up at him hopefully. "Yes, I will." He says, smiling down at my tiny form. I smile back, cuddling up to him. Feeling, safe for the first time in years. I drift off into a warm slumber as he continues to whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

Marvus' P.O.V.

I can't believe this, here I am the calm ring leader of my circus, comforting a young human girl and feeling rage fill me as i want to snap her father's neck. What is going on with me?! Once she drifts into a deep sleep I bring her to my home and place her in my room, gently and carefully tucking her into the sheets. I watch as her breathing slows to a calming pace and she smiles in her sleep. I chuckle a little as she curls up into a ball, hugging a pillow close to her. As i begin to head out the door I here her mumble in her sleep, "Marvus..." Causing my heart to skip a beat. What is this feeling? I ask myself as I quietly close the door behind me, taking in a deep breath and gathering up my posse as we head to give her father a little"chat". Luckily she had her address on her. I left her luggage with her as well.

~time skip brought to you by: Insane clown posse~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I wake up with a loud yawn as I stretch, freezing as I realize I'm on a bed. A real bed. A real, big, comfy bed. I look around the room noticing my luggage in the doorway, I sit up taking in the rest of my surroundings. The bed is like an old Victorian bed. It huuuuge. The sides have long silky drapes that are tied back at the moment, leaving it perfectly viable. It is also covered in soft silky, and fluffy pillows as well as blankets. Looking around the rest of the room i see pictures of Marvus with the other juggalo's I met, as well as others. Is this room his? The room is filled with nick-nacks and what's-its galore. A large mirror framing part of one wall caught my attention. Looking at it I notice tear stains and bags under my eyes, showing I had a pretty rough emotional outburst. I get up, curious of where I am and peak out the door. Stepping out I notice the high ceiling with candles on the walls to illuminate the place. There's a marvelous staircase, with a deep purple carpet covering every inch of floor before my eyes. It also seemed to have troll blood stained on the walls and floor. Curiosity burning deep in my gut I continue my journey, I find several bathrooms, rooms, the living room, pool, workout area, church, kitchen and dining room. Heading back to what seemed like Marvus' room i freeze in place only to dash into the room after the front door was opened up to a crowd of juggalo trolls. I believe I even saw said clown, Marvus. I rush under the blankets, covering myself head to toe. "Meryssa dear? How are you feeling?" He asks. I peek out from the blankets only to come face to stomach with a sitting on the ground Marvus. Damn he's tall. "Better, thank you." I squeak out shyly. Fiddling with the blankets a little bit. "That's good. We went over to have a little... Chat, with your father and we've won custody of you, almost instantly. We gathered the rest of your stuff and now you'll be staying with me!" He says happily. I look up at him with joy sparking in my eyes. A new beginning, a new life, a new world.

(A/N)- part two! I'm really excited about this story. Hope you guys like it! Above art is not mine. The boom cover however is.

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