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I didn't really have much of a childhood. I had a playroom and some toys, a bird and my RC car but there wasn't much besides that. Being young and not having a different life I grew up different than the other kids.

Most people know me as Sabo so that's how I'll tell my story. When I was young I lived with my mom and dad. My mom was an alcoholic who would smack me around when she got the chance and my dad didn't really care either way. Basically I was being raised knocked around and not really cared about.

When I was about six I mentioned something about my parents hitting me in front of an officer. I don't remember what it was honestly but I remember the officer followed us home and heard the glass breaking and yelling from outside. I can fondly visualize the disgusting faces my mother would make when she looked at me and my father just yelling at her to be quiet watching the game.

The officer called some others and came in right when she was going to push me. I was taken to my grandmothers house where I was to stay until things were worked out. My grandmother is the nicest woman you'll meet and it makes it hard to think about how her child ended up so horrible. Grandma and I would eat together every night and play checkers.

Living with Grandma was a dream come true. I got my homework done and she would always make me bacon in the mornings. That nice and Cushy life was great but it would never erase my previous life from had.

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